Chapter 8

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"WitziGREWter..." Jordan mumbled as he tried to pull his head away from the grasping hands of...

"Wait...Jack? Alex? Is that you?" He asked, attempting to turn his head despite the restraints holding him forward. Sure enough, there sat Jack Barakat and Alex Gaskarth with impish smiles on their faces.

"Oh my god we love you so much!" Jack said, in a mock female voice as he went from grabbing Jordan's hair, to tousling it. Alex, who had grabbed onto Christofer's hair, did the same.

"Shit, for a second there I thought we were trapped with rabid fangirls behind us," Christofer breathed a sigh of relief then opened his mouth to say something else but was interrupted by the roller coaster reaching the top of the hill and picking up speed quickly. They postponed their conversation for the rest of the ride which they spent yelling obnoxiously and throwing their hands in the air.

The discussion resumed when the coaster came to an abrupt halt.

"Ok, so how did you end up behind us!? We didn't see you in line!" Jordan said as they all lifted the restraints and got off.

"We were behind you the entire time, but you two were too busy having your lovers spat to notice us, so we decided to just stay quiet and fuck around with you on the ride," Alex winked.

" you guys know...?" Jordan asked shyly.

"Even if we had no idea who you two were, and pictures of you sucking faces weren't all over the internet, we still would've known," Jack replied.

"Yeah. Straight dudes don't wrap their arms around each other's waists and shit like you were doing. But it's all good! We're really happy for you," Alex added.

"Thank you, sir!" Chris chirped. "What brings you guys to Disney, by the way?"

"We played Rhythm Fest and decided to go since it was right here," Jack paused and flipped his hair out of his face. "You totally didn't know we played, did you?"

The couple shook their heads awkwardly. They had been more focused on seeing each other than seeing what other bands were playing.

"Is anyone else we know here?" Jordan asked.

The All Time Low members shrugged.

"I don't know who you know and I don't know who decided to come. I do, however, know that a lot of people were talking about coming," Alex had somehow ended up being the leader of the group and stopped in front of a ride called Dinosaur. "I've heard this ride is sweet. And it's scary. So you guys can cuddle!" He joked.

Jordan rolled his eyes and Christofer laughed.

"Awh, Alex, no need to mask your jealousy with lame jokes. It's ok. I understand why you'd want a piece of this," Chris motioned to himself seductively.

"Psh. I'm not interested in you, string bean; it's your man I'm jealous of!" Alex chuckled. Christofer put his arm around Jordan protectively.


They were ushered into a room where a short movie played, explaining that they were on a mission to go back in time to get a dinosaur of some sort. While Jack and Alex were distracted, Jordan stepped on his tiptoes so he could reach Christofer's ear (Chris loved teasing him about his shortness).

"I'm all yours." He whispered and gave him a quick kiss.


They spent the rest of the day at Animal Kingdom with Jack and Alex and found that they were staying at "The Dolphin" which was a 5 minute walk from their hotel. They made plans to meet up again either the next day, or on Thursday, though, none of the four were good at making decisions so it was more of a "play it by ear" type thing.

The bus back stopped at The Boardwalk first, so it was there that they exchanged goodbyes and parted ways.

When they got to their room, Christofer and Jordan both fell back on the king sized bed.

"So how was the first day in Disney?" Jordan asked.

"Magical." Chris replied and grabbed Jordan's hand.


"Wanna come stare at Paris with me while I smoke?"


Christofer grabbed his cigarettes and they walked out onto the balcony. They leaned against the railing and breathed in the cool night air as they stared at the Eifel tower, which was lit with soft blue and purple lighting. The faint sounds of people enjoying themselves could be heard from the boardwalk on the other side of the hotel as the crickets chirped peacefully. Chris flicked his lighter on and happily took a drag from the cancer stick. He was shocked at himself for being able to go almost an entire day without having one, but he found that here, the only feeling he felt was happy, and the only thing on his mind was Jordan.

The evening's perfection was completed as fireworks began soaring up into the air in attempts to become one of the stars. They sat in silence, watching. With each firework, their hearts seemed to pound a bit louder.

"Jordan...I know this is all new to you, and I know you're probably scared. I also know that your heart is still broken, and that's fine. I don't expect it to be fixed yet, but I do know that it will get fixed."

Jordan looked down and sighed. He wished that there was no truth to the fact that his heart was still shattered, but it was. Though he had found someone new that made him so happy, he still found himself thinking of her. Not as much as he used to, but it was enough to hurt. Guilt filled him and he shut his eyes, hoping to god that Chris was right about it getting fixed, but at the same time, feeling completely hopeless about the situation.

"Hey," Christofer gently tilted the other boy's head up so he could look him in the eye. "I'm going to fix it. I don't care how long it takes. I'm going to make you forget her. I'm going to make you the happiest guy in the world, and I'm going to make sure your life is perfect, because you deserve nothing less. Ever since the moment I met you, you changed my life. You helped me find who I am. You helped me change my meaningless drug and sex filled life to one of pure joy. made me believe the lyrics to my own songs. You made me realize that I wrote them for you. You're the one I've been waiting for, and Jordan, I'm head over heels in love with you. I know you probably aren't ready to say it back but-"

He was interrupted by Jordan grabbing his face in his hands and kissing him deeply. The fireworks reached their finale, and as they ended, Jordan pulled away.

"I love you too, Christofer Drew." And they pressed their lips together once more.

When it was over they went back into their room and curled up next to each other in bed.


"Yeah, babe?"

"I uh...have questions..."



1,000 reads! Ahhhh I geeked out when I saw that. Thank you all for the comments/votes/fans/adds and all that jazz :D You're wonderful, keep it up! BE SURE TO CHECK OUT THE EXPEDITION EVEREST VIDEO I POSTED ON THE SIDE!! (It's for those of you who have never been to Disney!)

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