Chapter 4

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                As 3:45 rolled around, a bodyguard stepped in front of the huge line of fans waiting in front of Never Shout Never and The Ready Set’s tents (which were next to each other). He gave them the “no harassing the band” speech and then introduced the musicians.

                The two boys walked out at the same time, causing earsplitting screaming from the waiting girls. Both of them waved as they took their place in front of their tents. They were armed with sharpies and smiles.  Jordan gave Christofer a reassuring look. Though they both had some insane fans, Christofer had been on the scene a tiny bit longer, and therefore his were a bit more severe.

                The first wave was pretty normal. Just typical picture taking, name asking, autograph signing, and of course, hugs. Every once in a while someone would request a certain pose for a picture, or ask them to say something quickly on video, but overall it was pretty standard.

                Everything was going by smoothly until twitter fucked it all up.

                Two girls, looking to be about 15 eagerly approached them.

                “Hey there, girls. What are your names?” Christofer asked. He wasn’t sure why he bothered asking names, after all, he forgot them within five seconds of receiving an answer. But the girls ignored the question and instead shoved their phones into his face, both of their screens displaying a picture of his and Jordan’s kiss.

                “Someone posted this on twitter! Is it true? Are you dating!?” One of the fans asked, looking as if she was about to cry. She had on a “Blood on the Dance Floor” shirt and way too many cheap extensions.

                Jordan had been busy autographing someone else, but the moment he heard the phrase “are you dating” his ears pricked up. Waves of jealousy and sorrow washed over him as he began theorizing about Chris failing to mention having a girlfriend.

                “No we are not.” Chris stated, completely unfazed at the picture. He lived a pretty carefree life and it took a lot to freak him out.

                “Then why were you guys making out!?” The other girl groaned desperately. Her heart was currently breaking into a million pieces from the fact that the .000000000001% chance she had with him was now gone because she was no longer the right gender.

                Other people had gotten the picture as well and had similar questions which they began shouting all at once while slowly moving forward, cornering the boys.

                Jordan leaned over to see the picture that was causing all this commotion. His face went white and he felt like he was going to pass out. What was this going to do to his career? To his friends? To his family? And most importantly, what was Chris going to tell the questioning girls? Oh how he despised technology right then and there.

                At the same time though, a large part of him was ok with people knowing that they had kissed. He was ok with the fact that people would think they were together because deep down, he actually wanted to be with Christofer. Without thinking, he decided that he should go with his gut feeling and just come clean.

                “Because I’m into him,” Jordan announced.

                Christofer stared at him, happily surprised.

                The crowd was immediately divided into two. Half of them thought it was the cutest thing in the world, and the other, more delusional half, felt as if they had been dumped because the two singers were interested in someone that wasn’t them.

                The pair was bombarded with questions that neither of them really knew how to answer.

                “Are you guys in love!?”

                “How long has this been going on!?”

                “Is this why you broke up with your girlfriend, Jordan?”

                That one hit home, and he cringed a bit. Chris saw and put his hand on his shoulder, comfortingly. This triggered giggles and more questions from the mob of people.

                “Are you guys official!?”

                “Are you gay or bi!?”

                “What are you going to do now!?”

                Christofer perked up at that last one and threw his arms in the air.

                “I’M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!” He had always wanted to use that line.

                Jordan laughed weakly and nodded.

                “You would,” he mumbled to Chris and nudged him a little. Christofer beamed and winked.

                “Give him a kiss!”

                The two friends returned their attention to the crowd that had now began chanting “kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!”

                Christofer, being Christofer didn’t miss a beat. He grabbed Jordan’s face in his hands and pressed his lips feverishly to Jordan’s. The mass of people began shrieking the loudest they had all day. When the two separated, Jordan felt as if he were about to faint from the mixture of adrenaline and shock.

“You ok?” Chris mouthed to him. He chewed on his lip a bit and then nodded slowly. Satisfied with this answer, Christofer tousled his hair and pulled out his sharpie in preparation to resume signing autographs. This was certainly shaping out to be an interesting day.

Yay! The next chapter is finally here! Thank you so much to everyone reading it and commenting and voting and all that jazz, keep it up! I'll update when I get either 5 comments or 3 library adds! Things are about to get super awesome so stay tuned!! :) 

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