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I seemed to suddenly realize the cold, because I started shivering violently.

My breath hung in a dense cloud just above my nose, but the other guys didn’t seem to mind, strolling down the street with hands in their pockets and puffs of breath streaming behind them like steam engines.

Oblivious to the weather, they focused on the steep slope that we were descending. a large converted factory loomed over the corner of the end of the street, it's walls bare, except for a large sign facing out of the corner of the building, which had been converted into a large arch and door. the sign was in neon lighting and read ‘ARCADIUM STADIUM’ in red, blue and green. there were yellow accents and underlining. 

The wizards went right on ahead and opened the door, then Vince and Finn scuffled for something just inside, then as I approached I saw Vince holding the door open for me and the guys, Finn giving him a sour look and rubbing his jaw.

The sight of the Arcade was amazing, they had bashed in the part of the 4th, 3rd and 2nd floors just overhead, then installed glass windows so that you could gaze down--or up--from those floors. There were millions of games, oldies to the modern zombie games were lined up and lit up.

I looked around in awe, then up to the second floor which was lined with more games, onto the third, which was blacked out and then to the fourth, which appeared to be a cafeteria by the look of the tables peeking out from behind the glass windows. I heard music bouncing in the background.

“Where first?” said Cas, startling me from behind,

I shrieked a little, then nudged him, “You decide.”

He surveyed the loud floor, when something caught his attention and he grabbed my hand to pull me over towards a ‘clearing’ in the games, where air hockey tables had been set up.

“Air hockey!” he smiled, “Me versus you?”

“Sounds fair.”

“Wait.” I said, making him look up from the mouth of the machine where he’d been stuffing in quarters, “Just.. how good are you at this game?”

“Uh.. I don’t know.. havent played in a while.”

“Oh really? Should I go easy on you then?”

“Oh never!" He smiled,

and at that the machine woke up, and a hockey puck dropped into the ‘drawer’ by Castiel.

About half an hour later, he had me beat in a never ending game of 32-5.. I was that measely 5.

“I thought you said you hadnt played in a while!” I flopped onto the side of the table in resignation,

“Yeah. but I do remember--now--being this good.” he flashed a million dollar smile that said he'd known it all along.

“Ugh.” I sunk again.

“One more round?” 

“Never!” I nearly shouted, “We are playing something else!”

He smirked, then led me away from the hockey table, and towards some darkened gunfight games.

“You realise shooting games aren't really my style?” I said,

“Well, what then?”

“Howsabout..” I surveyed the floor, and spotted something happily familiar, “That one!!”

“What!? that looks like a girly game!”

I glared at him a moment. 

“Fine.. fine.. I’ll play your damned ‘robot unicorn attack’”

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