Chapter 11

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Ladies and gents, this is the moment you've been waiting for! Jk, sorry! I know I said this was the finale, but it was running a little long, so the finale is actually the next chapter. :P

Huey paced their cell. "I can't believe he just ditched us!" Dewey said, throwing his hands up in the air. He leaned against the bars. The kids had been moved to another cell down under Glomgold's fortress. It was well lit and the walls were made of solid concrete. You could hear shifting as various traps were activated above them. Webby laid on the floor with her knees bent, tapping her foot on the floor.

Goldie sat with her arms crossed in a cell across from them. She had a frown plastered on her face and her legs crossed. Her foot shook in annoyance. "That Glomgold is a dummy," she grumbled.

"Louie left us!" Dewey went on, ignoring everything else. Huey continued pacing, his breathing quick. The red triplet took in a deep breath, trying to calm himself. It would be alright. This was just like any of their other adventures. It would all work out.

"Dewey, he's going through a lot. He lost all his memories and he thinks Goldie is his mom," Webby said. She blew her bangs out of her face. Goldie smirked at that last comment.

"Besides, maybe he didn't ditch us. Maybe... He went to go get help," Webby said. Huey nodded, trying to convince himself.

"Yeah, if anyone can save us, it's my Sharpie," Goldie put in from across the hall. Webby sat up and shot her a look.

Huey crossed his arms and huffed. "He's not your sharpie, and, in fact, he's not a sharpie anymore because you broke him!" he grumbled.

Dewey glanced between Huey and Goldie. You could cut the tension with a knife. Dewey leaned towards his brother. "Huey, your duke is showing," Dewey whispered. Huey gave him a look, then turned back to Goldie.

"I did not break your brother, whatever that means. Just like anything, I wanted him so I took him," Goldie said with a smirk. Huey glared at her.

"Did it ever occur to you that kidnapping and brainwashing someone is wrong?" he said.

Goldie raised an eyebrow. "Why are you freaking out kiddo?" she asked, reading Huey's expression and body language.

Dewey smiled awkwardly. "It's his oldest brother instincts, don't worry, he's not that upset," he said.

Huey sat on the floor. "Yes, I am!" he put in.

"Nah, Huey's just scared," Dewey said. Goldie leaned back against the wall of her cell, smiling.

Breathing heavily, Louie ran through the halls. Tears rolled down his face and his mind was all over the place. He finally slid to a stop at a corner. He breathed quickly and he looked back to where he had come from. Louie frowned. He left them. He had left them when they needed him. He let them down.

His breathing slowed a bit the more he stood there. Louie wiped his tears with his sleeve. He turned back the other way and continued walking. A few steps, and he felt a panel under his foot sink. The button triggered a trap, opening up a pit of lava underneath him. Louie's eyes widened as he began to fall. "Ahhhhh!" he shouted.

Before he could hit the bubbling, molten lava, someone caught Louie, landing him on firm ground. Louie looked up to see one of the ducks he had met on the mansion. Louie couldn't really remember her name. Della maybe?

Della scanned over him, making sure he was alright. "Louie! That was close! Are you okay!" she said. Louie's beak quivered. Della stopped and looked at him. "Louie?" she said. Louie then nuzzled himself into her chest, holding her tight. Della was surprised for a moment, but then hugged him back.

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