Chapter 3

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Humming, Webby snuck through the booby-trapped forest. "Bum bum bum, ba-dum, bum bum bum, ba-dum!" she sang quietly. "Webby quit singing!" Huey told her through a walkie talkie hooked on her belt. She could hear him arguing with Dewey. "Leave her alone! She can have her own theme music if she wants!" Webby smiled and rolled her eyes as she heard tumbling and their yelps on the other end. "If ye two don't stop fighting, yer going to give away the lass' location!" Scrooge warned. Webby turned off her walkie talkie so she wouldn't have to hear them anymore.

Arrows shot at her from a nearby tree. She did a flip over them and landed on her feet. "Ha! That all you got, Goldie?" she teased. As if in response, a large log swung in her direction. She slid underneath it. A loud tumbling rang from behind her. The duckling spun around to find several more logs in a row rolling down the hill. One knocked into her legs, causing her to slip over the logs. She yelped as she fumbled around on the logs.

(A/N, I just figured out how to make this line thingy! I'm so proud of myself! So I thought I'd interrupt the story just to share my joy about this line. Alright, back to the fanfic! :))

Louie blinked a few times. "Mom? You look too old to be my mom," he questioned. Goldie had a blank face. "Well, thanks," she said sarcastically. She ruffled his feathers. "Anyway, you're Louie, and I'm Goldie, and as I said, I'm your mom," she smiled. Louie still had his doubts. "Did you adopt or something, because I'm like ten, and I'm not even going to guess how old you are." Goldie was about ready to strangle this kid. "I'm not that old, alright!" She took in a deep breath to calm herself. "So, Louie, what do you want to do first? Maybe go con some people at the mall? Oh! Or what about stealing from the orphanage, huh?" she asked.

"None of those things sound very nice," he said. Goldie was taken back. "But it's tons of fun!" she said. Louie rubbed his head. "How?" he asked. Goldie hesitated. "Will you excuse me a minute?" she said. She went to her room with Gene.

"What's going on! That's not the Louie I know!" she demanded.

Gene crossed his arms. "You asked me to erase his memories. Some of those memories make up part of who he is," he explained, a little bitter about the whole thing.

Goldie put her hands on her hips frustrated. "All I wanted to do was kidnap a kid and make him forget about his family so I could illegally adopt him as my own kid. Is that so wrong?" she said annoyed.

Gene raised an eyebrow.

"You know, you could wish to return his memories," he suggested.

Goldie glared at him. "No! I'll just- I'll just teach him how to be a con artist again. There," she said.

Gene smirked at her. "You know that that can't be taught, which is why you liked him. It won't be the same unless you wish to reverse your last wish," he debated.

Goldie frowned. She knew Gene was right, but she wouldn't let him know it. "I can teach him and I will!" she said.

Gene just shot her a look. "Alright then, I'll be in my lamp for when you decide you want to reverse it," he said, puffing away into purple smoke. Goldie just glared after him. Who was he to tell her what to do with her last wish?

The doorbell rang, snapping Goldie out of her thoughts. "Now who could that be?" she grumbled. She marched to the front room, where Louie was still sitting on the couch confused. She opened the door, and who she saw there did not lighten her mood.

"Glomgold, what do you want?" she groaned. Glomgold smiled up at her. "Goldie, my sweet! I was around, and rumor has it, you've got a genie," he smirked. She rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips. "Who told you that?" Then she realized. "Glomgold! Have you been spying on me again!" she shouted. "I always said you should invest in some blinds," he said. She tapped her foot on the ground. "Why I ought to-" she began. A voice came from behind her. "Er, uh, mom? Who's at the door?" Louie wondered. The door wasn't wide enough for Glomgold to see who was talking. "Mom!? I thought I was your love!" Glomgold whined. Sometimes Goldie just wanted to smack him. "How many times do I have to tell you! We are not a thing!" she shouted exasperated.

Glomgold shoved past her inside. Then he saw Louie. "You kidnapped Scrooge's kin? Oh, Goldie, my love. That truly is the greatest scheme of all. What did his face look like when you did it?" he wondered. Louie shyly pulled his hoodie over his head. Goldie whacked him on the back of the head. "Ush- shay on the Ooge- scray!" she warned. The billionaire rubbed the back of his head.

"Who's Scrooge?" Louie asked. Goldie smiled at him. "No one, sharpie. Now why don't you go take a shower or something, while I have a little chat with Mr. Glomgold here," she said. Louie went down the hallway, looking over his shoulder once or twice. When they were sure he could hear them, Goldie let out a sigh. "He doesn't know who Scrooge is? What's going on, O Gilt?" Glomgold asked. She glared at him. "None of your business, Glomgold! Shouldn't you be making some sort of idiotic scheme involving sharks or your glue saliva?" she demanded. He took a step back. "How did you know about my glue saliva?" he questioned.

"That's beside the point! Now get out of my house," she grumbled. She opened the front door and he waddled out. "Alright, you win this time Goldie. But you will rue the day you denied Flintheart Glomgold! And I will get my hands on your genie, just you wa-" Goldie slammed the door on him before he could finish his speech. She breathed in. Man, she hated him.

Covered in mud, Webby walked around the side of the house. There were a few obstacles she hadn't avoided, like a certain mud pit. She wiped it from her shirt and face, leaving two dashes of mud as a warrior mark. She examined the outside walls. Her eyes spotted a ventilation grate. Bingo! The pink duckling shot her grappling hook for the vent. She swung herself up and in. Soon she would have Louie and everything would be back to normal.

Light seeped in from the vents. She narrowed her eyes so she could find him. After being unable to detect the green triplet, Webby put on her thermal goggles. A heat signature in the shape of Louie told her she was going the right direction. When she was above the room he was in, she kicked the grate from under her and dropped into the room.

Louie let out a yelp when he saw her. He was dressed in a bath towel and his hair was wet and she assumed he had just gotten out of the bath. "Louie! I've come to save you!" she whispered. Louie looked at her confused. She grabbed his arm. "Come on, we have to get you out of here before Goldie finds out I'm here," she said. He pulled away from her. "Louie?" He bit his beak. "Do I know you?"

Thanks for reading! Also, I hope I'm not the only one who noticed Glomgold had glue saliva. I mean, he licks everything in the show, and normally it sticks. (Ribbons on scorpions, Sharkbomb's head, etc...) That's one of my favorite qualities about Glomgold, lol. Thanks for your support!

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