Chapter 4

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"Do I know you?" Louie asked. Webby let out a laugh. "Ha! Good one, Lou!" she said. His confused expression told her he wasn't joking. She hesitated. "Wait, you're serious? You have no idea who I am?" she wondered. He shook his head, taking another step back. Webby smiled awkwardly, not really believing him. "Come on, Louie. It's me, Webby! We got stuck in a pyramid together, and you stole a kopesh," she reminded. He shook his head, not remembering. She frowned. "I tricked you into thinking that you had a priceless gem, but it was actually just a cheep rock from the gift shop? None of this is ringing a bell?" she asked.

He still seemed lost. She put a hand on her hip. "We helped Glomgold get over his- his- Oh my gosh! You have amnesia!" she squealed. He was startled by her loud personality.

A voice from down the hall distracted them from their conversation. "Hey, sharpie! I've got something to show you!" Webby tensed up. "Goldie! Louie, we have to go!" she said, quieting her voice. She put out her hand, but he wouldn't take it. She bit her beak. "Louie," she pleaded. Goldie's footsteps were getting louder.

She frowned, but she didn't have any time left to debate. She shot her grappling hook up into the vent and climbed up. She closed the vent and watched from above. Goldie stepped into the room. "Hey, sharpie! I thought I heard someone else," she said, looking around. Webby held her breath. Thankfully, Louie didn't tell Goldie about her. Instead, the two walked out of the room. Webby let out a breath. This wasn't good.


Glomgold kicked at a rock. "Goldie O Gilt," he grumbled. A rustling in the bushes pulled him out of his thoughts. He looked up, seeing a flash a pink run by. Webby. Fortunately for him, she didn't see him. Glomgold thought a minute. "Scrooge must be after the lamp too! I've got to get it before he does," he said. He looked back at Goldie's house. He grinned as a scheme came together in his mind.

Goldie and Louie sat in the front room. Gene was sitting on the couch. "Oh, this'll be interesting," he smiled. Goldie rolled her eyes at him. "Alright, Louie, let's start with the basics." Louie watched her as she pulled out her wallet and dropped it on the ground. "Okay, what do you do when you see someone drop their wallet?" she began.

Louie picked up the wallet and handed it to her. She frowned. "No! You're supposed to steal it," she corrected. "But what if they had a lot of money in there?" he asked. "The more money the better. Alright, try again," she said. She let her wallet fall to the floor. This time, Louie took it, walked two feet away, then turned back to Goldie. "Here, mom. I stole your wallet. You can have it back," he said, putting it in her hand.

Goldie face palmed. Gene snickered. He mouthed the words to her, I told you so. She glared at him. "You know, if you're not going to be supportive, you can go back in your lamp," she said, pointing down the hall. Gene raised an eyebrow. "As you wish." He puffed into a cloud of purple smoke.

In his lamp, Gene smiled. Goldie would have to undo her wish sooner or later. He just had to wait. He reclined back on a cushion, but suddenly his lamp began to shake. He let out a chuckle. Goldie couldn't last two seconds trying to teach that kid how to be a con artist. He couldn't even steal a wallet. When Gene arose from the lamp, he was surprised not to find Goldie, but a short man in a kilt.

"Ha! A genie! Take that, McDuck and my beloved Goldie!" he exclaimed. Gene looked around to find that he was no long in Goldie's house, but instead in the forest surrounding it. Gene crossed his arms at the short duck. "Who are you and what do you want?" he asked, already knowing the answer to the second question. Everyone always just wanted wishes.

"I am the great mastermind, Flintheart Glomgold!" the duck introduced dramatically. "And what I want is for you to grant me three wishes," he added. Gene rolled his eyes. Called it.

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