Chapter 2

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"Uncle Scrooge? What are we going to do?" Scrooge looked around at his family. All but one were there. Huey, Dewey, and Webby looked scared and worried. Donald was panicking, but trying to look calm. Launchpad glanced at his feet sadly. Beakly, Scrooge could see all the cogs turning in her head. Della looked so lost, she didn't know what to do. What do you say to a mother who has just lost her son?

Scrooge forced himself to his feet. "We have to get back Louie," he said. Beakly looked around at everybody. "Alright, team. Cool heads. First we have to find out why that witch took Louie," she gathered. "Mr. McDuck, why would Goldie want him? Mr. McDuck?" Scrooge was lost in thought.

"Mr. McDuck!" Beakly tried again. "I cannae face her," he said sadly. "Why not?" Donald asked. "Didn't you see what she did to me? We could have saved Louie if it wasn't for me!" he said.

"Uncle Scrooge, that wasn't your fault. She had you under a spell," Della argued. "She could have taken anything from you, yet she chose Louie. Why?" Huey thought aloud. He tugged on his cap nervously.

"Maybe he did something to her and she wanted revenge!" Webby suggested. Scrooge shook his head. "If Goldie wanted revenge, she wouldn't do it this way."


Goldie skipped to her house with Gene behind her. Louie, still unconscious, floated through the air behind them. Goldie did a twirl. "Isn't having a genie fun?" she asked herself. The path to her house was shrouded in trees and wildlife. There were also several boobie traps laid out among the premises.

"Master, I don't really think kidnapping a kid is what I'd call fun," Gene said, folding his hands. "Oh, hush, it's tons of fun," she replied. "Oh, watch your step, there's a trap there," she added. Gene stepped over a thin wire on the ground. "Don't you think all these traps are a little unnecessary?" he said. She rolled her eyes at him. "When you're a great treasure hunter like me, you have to be careful. You don't want someone to come in and steal all your treasure. Also it's nice to practice trap setting. You might want to duck," she explained. Gene ducked down just as a log swung past his head.


Standing in the hot desert sun, the McDuck family thought of a plan of action. Huey sketched it out in the sand. "We could... no that won't work. Oh, what about maybe... I've got nothing!" the duckling exclaimed. He wiped sweat from his brow. Taking off his hat, he fanned himself with it.

Dewey and Launchpad were leaned against the pyramid, sweating like dogs. "Well, do you know where Goldie's house is? Maybe she took him there," the boy in blue offered. "Do you?" Beakly asked Scrooge. He too was fanning himself with his hat. "Aye, but it's very dangerous. That woman has the whole place rigged with traps!" he said.

Della jumped up. "Traps never stopped us before! Let's go!" she said. "Well, it's been a while since I've been there. She's added more since then, plus I cannae remember where they all were," Scrooge said. Della crossed her arms and joined Dewey and Launchpad by the pyramid.

"We should just ask her nicely, and if that doesn't work, we'll use force," Donald said, containing his anger. His hands were balled in fists. Beakly had her arms folded. "We could send one of us in, that way we won't trigger so many traps and it'll be a quick in and out rescue, as SHUSH prodical states," she said. "Who would we send?" Launchpad asked. Webby ran into the middle of the group. "I was born for this," she said in a low tone. She pulled on her infrared goggles.


Soon, Goldie, Gene, and Louie made it to her house. The humble appearance was nothing compared to the inside. Anything that could be made of gold was made of gold. Anything else was made of a shiny white marble stone. Gene was amazed at the scene. "Wow, that's a lot of gold," he commented. Goldie shrugged and smirked. "Not really. Most of it is fool's, but it makes me feel rich and other people feel jealous, so I decorate with it," she said.

She hung up her bag containing the lamp up on a coat rack. "Okay," she said. "You can set him on the couch," Goldie instructed her genie. Gene did as he was told and lowered Louie onto an expensive looking sofa. Goldie put her hands on her hips. "Now, when will this genie magic take effect?" she wondered.

Gene glanced between her and the duckling in green. "Just a few minutes," he said sadly. He wasn't entirely jazzed about being part of a kidnapping.

Goldie stood over Louie and snapped her fingers. "Hey, Sharpie, wake up," she said. After a few seconds, Louie's eyes flitered open. He looked around disoriented. "Where am I?" he asked sleepily. Goldie smiled at him. "Who are you? Who am I? What's going on?" he asked, fully awake now. He tensed up Goldie tried to calm him. "Look, Louie. You can call me mom."

What will happen to Louie in the next chapter? Thanks for your support!

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