Chase Special Valetine Pup part 1

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Chase POV

It was Feb. 4TH 2015 and I almost forgot that valetine is almost here so I went to make a hart shape card for a very special pup. I wrote Guess What? I Love You and always haved then I hid it in my pup house. Then I went to pick some beautiful Roses to give to her. When I was done picking some Roses I went back to my pup house to put them down so I can get some water for them. After I putted the Roses in a tall cup I heard a knock on my pup house door. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's me Skye", She said. I rushed to hide the Roses and then I opened the door. "Can you belive thats valetine is almost here Chase?" She asked me. "Yes. I answered back. "Do you have any plans on valetine day?" She askes me. "Yes I do, I haved planed a Romantic Dinner for my special pup that I L L Love." I said.

Skye POV

I asked Chase if he have any plans on valetine day and it seams like that he dose. I wonder who the special pup that he loves and has plans with on valetine day I thought to myself. Skye do you have any plans on valitine day Chase asked me. "No not realy." I answerd with a sigh. "I am really sorry to hear that Skye", he said. "I know you are sorry to hear that." I said.

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