The very bad Storm

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Chase POV

It was a nice day in adventure bay but it won't stay nice because its suppose to storm, a big storm and it will hit soon I can smell it so I decided to stay indoors. After a few minutes staying indoor it hit it is so bad that Skye is right right beside me shaking. The lighting strikes, the thunder crackles, the wave crashing on the rocks, the wind howling, and the rain poured down hard. The lighting struck the power line and knocked out the power for the whole town even the lookout. I was trying to comfort Skye but I'm a bit shaky too. I looked over at Skye to see if she's doing alright but she was and she's asleep so I decided to go to sleep too.

Skye POV

I woke up and it must have stormed all night because the ground is still wet. I went outside to see and I saw that the storm did some damage but not a lot of it. The power company is out trying to fix the power line. I went to clean up around the lookout but there's to much for me to do. I saw chase and he went to help me clean up. After two minutes of cleaning up, it was all clean around the lookout.

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