Where's Skye Part 9 ( Almost Found Her)

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Chase POV

I was tired and lucky I was looking in the bedroom so I went under the bed out of sight and took a quick nap. While I was taking a nap I heard something so I woke up but I have no idea what it is that I am hearing. It got closer, closer, and closer but I was staying still because I wasn't sure if it is going to come in here and I was about to send an SOS call but I waited to see what this thing is going to do. This thing went pass the room that I am at, so I went out of under the bed and ran out of the building before it came back.

Sargent POV

It was almost morning and no sign of this pup that Chase love's so I went out of the building and I saw him laying in the grass. I walked up to him and it looks like that he is crying, so I asked him what's wrong. He told me that he missed Skye so much, so I told him that we will find her soon and just then I smell something. Chase must have smelled it to because he got up real quick and he told me that smell is Skye's so we followed it that where it is coming from.

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