Male! Minotaur x Fem! Reader (Fluff)

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Outside POV

(Y/N) and her friend, Lisa, were out on the town, exploring the city. They decided to stop by a small, corner-in-the-wall cafe. The reviews, though few, were all very positive. They went in and ordered their respective drinks. Not too long after, the barista called their names, signaling to get their coffee.

They were currently sitting at a table. (Y/N) was listening to some indie metal while Lisa studied for a test. Occasionally, Lisa would rap on (Y/N)'s side of the table; to which (Y/N) would lower her headphones and offer her help. The cycle continued until Lisa got finished filling out her study guide.

They began to people watch who came in and left.

"Oh. My. God." (Y/N) said. Her friend next to her perked her head up from her notebook.

"I don't get it... what is it?" Lisa said.

(Y/N) grabbed Lisa's head and gently turned it to a minotaur enjoying his coffee.

"It's just a guy, (Y/N). What's so special about him?"

"WHWHWH- WHAT'S SO SPECIAL?!" (Y/N) whisper yelled. "That is the Jacob Hornell!"

Lisa blew a piece of hair out of her face. "Never heard of him."

(Y/N) sighed, hand dragging across her face. "Of course you wouldn't know, you listen to K-pop."

"HEY!" Lisa angrily said.

"No, I didn't mean it that way." (Y/N) ran a hand through her hair. "I meant it as you don't listen to Black Metal. You listen to stuff that's easier on the ears. I'm sorry."

"Fine, but the next time we come here, you're buying." She huffed.

"He's literally right there, oh my god." (Y/N) whispered.

"WAIT." Lisa said a bit too loudly. "Is this the one you are totally simping for?"

"OH MY GOD! Shut up!" (Y/N) mumbled, pulling her beanie over her face.

"You should totally talk to him!"

"Are you crazy, Lisa? How in the name of all that is safe for an introvert do you plan on making me do that?"

"Well, I could always push you out of your seat..." Lisa said. Her eyes gave away her intentions: playfully malicious.

"You wouldn't." (Y/N) growled. Lisa simply smiled.

With one swift push from her, (Y/N) stumbled out from their booth. They stumbled, tripping over their feet. When they got their footing, they were right in front of Jacob, who was eyeing her curiously.

"Um... uh... I uh..." (Y/N) stumbled over her words. "Damn you, Lisa. Why am I your impulse control?"

Jacob stared down at her from his seat. His eyebrow was raised as he questioned why the girl in front of him was talking to herself.

"Do I... know you?" He asked, voice deep and velvety.

"Uhm... probably not... but I know you!" (Y/N) smiled. Her smile faltered after processing what she just said. "That sounded a lot less creepy in my head..."

Jacob let out a soft chuckle. "How do you know me, little thing?"

(Y/N)'s face went crimson. "I-I listen to your music. I was doing that just a minute ago, actually." She chuckled, hand kneading the skin on her arm.

"Oh, really? What song?" He asked. He was testing her, she just knew it.

"I can't remember which track it was—I think is was the ninth one, "Seeing Red"—but I know the album I was listening to! It was Of Your Own Accord."

"You guessed right, dear. I don't think I even remember the order of the tracks on my albums." He smiled.

If this man kept calling her names, she would surely be dead before she left the cafe. Her face was like that of molten lava: hot and glowing red.

Jacob obviously took note of how his fan felt about these names and smiled. "So, cutie, why don't you sit down and tell me a bit about yourself?"

(Y/N) stood there, starstruck. Was this really happening? She cautiously pulled out the other seat to the table and sat down.

They ended up chatting for quite some time. And before long, half an hour had passed.

"Ah shit, I was supposed to be back 10 minutes ago." He said.

"Oh god, I'm sorry." (Y/N) said.

"No worries; I had fun talking to you!" He replied, grabbing a napkin.

He took out a pen and scribbled something on the napkin. He then handed the napkin to (Y/N) before winking and leaving the cafe. She watched his tail flick as he walked out the door.

She finally looked down at the napkin. On it were a set of numbers, long enough to belong to a phone. She blushed, and walked back to her seat.

"So? How'd it go?" Lisa asked.

(Y/N) briefly explained what happened, ending at the napkin which she fished out of her purse.

"Congrats, girl!" She said. "My little baby is finally growing up!" Lisa said, fake tear in her eye. (Y/N) blushed and put the number into her phone before shoving the napkin back where it previously was.

Not too long after they left, (Y/N) got a buzz from her phone.

Jacob Hornell

Hope you get home safe
Be a shame if something happened to a cutie like you~

(Y/N) smiled wide and giggled as she walked to her apartment. Little did she know, a certain minotaur was also smiling at their phone. Both could hardly wait for their next meeting.

919 words

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