Dover Demon x Reader (Fluff)

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Headcanon style fic time babey

— I also think the Dover Demon would act — like a cat so I'm going to bend the request slightly.

- you first spot them in a forest when you're going camping
- you see a blur of white and just go
- "huh, weird"
- and go on your way
- they follow you back to your tent and just go 🔴🔴
- they're just crouching behind your tent as you fix your food,,,,, lightly stalking
- they'll come up to you as your eating and once again go 🔴🔴 but with sparkles in their eyes this time
- you offer them a small piece
- "jnormjshnomsrdhomnomnom"
- they are a messy eater
- but you laugh at them and pat it on the head because it was funny and it did a good job
- when you go to bed it watches the outside of your tent, making sure nothing gets in

-when you wake up, they're right on your chest
- like a fucking cat
- they are suffocating youuuuuu
- you manage to let them know they're hurting you and try get off you
-they instead nudge you until you start to get up and dressed
-once you do, they lead you right outside the tent and oop
- oh shIT
- it's not movingggggg
- the Dover Demon looks at you expectantly
- 🔴🔴
- you smile awkwardly and thank them for it (it's an avocadooooooo)
- you then step over the rat

- you try to walk towards your cooler for some water
- but they're just going around and around your legs
- like stop I'm gonna trip
- please
- you almost do trip over them
- but other than that, you got there safely

- as soon as you sat down with your drink, they crawled up onto your lap
- and now you're stuck
- so you said fuck it, I'm stuck now, this is a cat 2.0
- so you start petting it
- this fucker
- purrs
- so you stop for a bit, a bit freaked out
- but then it stops purring and looks up at you like 🔴🔴

- and you're like fuck
- I'm definitely stuck now
- so you accept your fate and decide to keep petting them

- and the purring starts again and
- aaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA-
- point is you are beyond a doubt stuck
- so you're left to sit there, watch the lake, and pet the Dover Demon

- eventually it wakes back up, stretches, and trots back over into the boat you rented with the site
- fishing time boys
- you don't have to keep the fish to eat, but if you do, little Dover boy is gonna eat them before you can
- so you probably should just release them

- regardless of what you did, it's late so you decide to head back and eat
- they require that you share half of your food or else
- or else what?
- or else your ass is stuck
-so you feed them and eventually go to bed

- next morning is your last day there
- you have to get back to work after this
- so you decide to take one last hike to return the Dover Demon to the wild
- as you do
- you call them towards you and they,,,,, climb on your shoulder
- god dammit they are too cute
- you almost want to take them home
- but you have to do the right thing
- so you try to return it at the midpoint of your hike

- you start to head back to your campsite
- and you hear rustling in the bushes
- they're definitely following you
- you tell them to go back
- but nope
- they come back in front of you and just 🔴🔴

- and fuck you can't say no to that face
- so you pick them back up (onto your shoulder) and head back to the camp with your friend
- you pack up the tent and cooler, hook up the boat back to its post, and start driving with the Dover Demon in the back

- "you taking anything with you?"
- hahahahahahahahahha
- "no sir" :))))
- you leave without a hitch
- but you've got another problem now

-how are you going to take care of the Dover fucking Demon inside your own house

Cryptids and Monsters x Readers (COMPLETED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang