Fem! Harpy x Artist! Reader (Fluff)

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was walking around the local park's forest. I followed the hiking trails and stayed (usually) on the path. I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going, as the trails looped around. Occasionally, I stopped to draw some of the scenery in my sketchbook.

I just got up from sketching and turned a corner when I saw what looked like bird wings and legs. Only, it was the size of a human... I looked around. Was this a trap? I couldn't see anything suspicious. I gulped, and with no regard for my own safety, I turned the creature on its side.

It had a human face and torso, but the arms and legs were that of a eagle or falcon—I wasn't quite sure. I tried to look closer at the wings when I noticed one looked to be broken or maybe fractured. Doing the dumbest thing ever, I poked it.

I immediately jumped back before getting hurt right off the bat, but to my surprise, the bird-human-thing only groaned.

"Leave me! Let me die like everyone else!" she cried.

My eyes were half-lidded. "Lady, you deserve to live just like everyone else. Let me help you up." I walked up the trail to where she was laying.

"Don't touch me!" she said, allowing herself to be touched, and subsequently helped up.

"Can you walk?" I asked. The strange lady nodded.

"It's my wing that's hurt, fool," she said. She tried walking on her bird-feet but nearly fell straight on her face

I picked her back up onto her feet and asked if she wanted help getting a doctor. Grumbling and pouting, she reluctantly agreed. We slowly made our way out of the woods and I set the bird lady in the backseat of my car.

As I drove, I realized I needed a name for them. "Hey, lady? What should I call you?"

She stayed silent for a while before quietly saying, "I don't know."

"Would you want me to give you a name?"

The lady thought. "I'd like that."

"Does Peregrine sound okay?" I asked.

"Long," she muttered.

"Well, how about Peri?"

She sat on that for a few seconds, before nodding. "It's satisfactory."

That was good enough for me. I asked Peri a few more questions on the drive to the local monster clinic.

It turns out she was shot by a hunter who didn't hear about the protection laws regarding harpies. She was stubborn, and a bit narcissistic, but she didn't harm anyone.

We got to the clinic and I helped Peri out of the car to the door. She demanded I help her in the clinic as well, even though humans weren't supposed to be in there unless they were family.

Knowing her, for the short time I did, she would throw a fit if I didn't accompany her through the office. So I went inside. I got some strange looks, as we didn't look related or together in the slightest. Yet, Peri seemed very happy that I was there.

We checked in, took a number, and waited. It wasn't long before Peri was called up.

"Come. Help me," she demanded. Smiling, I stood up and helped her walk towards the door. The nurse led us to the avian offices and situated us in a room.

The doctor came to us soon enough. They were a naga, not that it matters. I didn't take more than a passing glance at them except when they were talking. They said they, despite not being a harpy, knew immediately what was wrong. How? Well, they bumped into her wing and she immediately spat venomous words at them, despite it being an accident.

"It is well known that harpies are territorial, with lots of self-preservation instincts. This makes harpies much more common in the wilderness, as trying to domesticate most is unsuccessful. Those that can speak English are viewed as vile tongued. Although, they typically do not engage unless threatened or hurt."

The doctor continued to drone on and I understood nothing. His logic escaped me. I knew art, not harpies. I sat by and waited for him to prescribe something, hoping it could be fixed that easily. It wasn't the case.

Her wing was in bad enough shape that she had to stay with me until it healed.

I drove us back to my house. I was a bit upset, as I was the only person Peri knew—and she couldn't care for herself. It was awkward with her trying to fit the back with her wing wrapped up. She asked me several questions about her wing, but I was just as clueless as she was.

When she got to my house, I had to put her in the garage. No other room would accommodate her wingspan.

I feel like I should preface this by saying I inherited this house. And it makes sense. How could anyone afford a house this big without working all the time instead of living in it? I mean, do you really think I could do that? In this economy? Hell no.

But I digress. She stayed in the garage unless I went outside the house, which wasn't often. During the time she stayed there, she became more and more curious about my life. It disturbed her greatly that I had to work most of the day, whether it be my actual job or my commissions.

"Draw me," she once said.

"Got any cash?" I joked.


"Don't worry about it. For you, I'll do it for free," I winked.

She turned red, which was a nice complement to her blond hair and orange feathers.

I drew her swooping up a fish from a lake. She seemed to like it. After work, she always asked me to draw her. As per usual, I'd flirt in one way or another as a joke to see her blush, but I'd always comply.

After a month, it was time to bring her back. We went to the doctor again, who tested the wing and gave us the okay to go.

We got back in my car and the drive to the hiking trail I found her at was near silent. Except for one sentence.

"I don't want to go." It was quiet, which was unlike Peri, but it certainly didn't come from me.

"What was that, Peri?"

"You heard me." As fickle as ever. I checked the mirror and she was bright red.

"What's wrong, Peri?"

She huffed, "I don't want to leave you..." She buried her face in her wings.

We were already at the parking lot. I stopped the car, put it in park, and turned around in my seat.

"Did I hear you right?"

"Guess, worm."

"I guess so." I sat back down and thought for a moment. "Why?"


"Heh, cat got your tongue?"

"Only if you're the cat..."

It was my turn to go red. My eyes were wide. "Peri, am I the reason you don't want to go back?"

"Mayhaps..." She wouldn't face me.

I got out of the seat and went to the back. I held her face. "Peri?" She gulped and nodded. "Do you like me?"

Instead of giving me an answer, she smushed her lips against my cheek. A peck if you will.

I smirked and raised an eyebrow. She hid her face once more. I ran my fingers through her tangled hair and pat her head.

"I like you too, ladybird."

I got back in the car and drove back home. She watched me through the mirror the entire time.

I helped her back to the garage. I ended up moving my bed down there too.

I teased her whenever I could. It was nice to see such a confident individual taken down a peg or two.

The next time I drew her, it was us together. I got it framed the next day and it hangs above our bed.

1335 words

Sorry for the wait ( ¡ ¡ )՞ but it is done

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