Mothman x Injured! Reader (H&C)

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biteacopy one moth man coming up
also my motivation is dead so I'm probably gonna be writing short drabbles for a while

(Y/N)'s POV

"What the FUCK!" I shouted, dodging a fist from my now ex-boyfriend. He didn't answer and instead lined up another shot. I grabbed his wrists and shouted, "Tell me what's going on!"

He laughed manically. Was he fucking insane? He wouldn't stop laughing...until he did. And I wished he hadn't. "What's going on?! You fucking betrayed me! I was planning to do this a long time ago, but now you've ruined my plans."

"Look I get that you're upset but just-"

"But just what? You fucking abandoned me!" His knuckles collided with my face, causing me to stagger back. "Did you really think you'd get away scot-free?" He kicked me in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me and knocking me to the ground.

"Eric, please!"

"No! I'm tired of you. Tired of you doing this." A wild grin spread across his face. A metallic sheen could be seen in his hand.

"Eric? Put the knife down..." I pleaded.

He smiled. "Of course, dear."

I woke up in a cold sweat with a pounding headache and a sharp pain in my side. I didn't want to wake up, and was frankly pissed that I had. Trying to get back to sleep, I pressed myself closer to my fluffy pillows and mattress.

A soft purring noise accompanied the rustling of my blanket.

"Hey baby~ how's my stinky gremlin boy?" I reached out for my cat, but I soon realized two things.

One. While I was with Eric, we only had dogs. He had a Yorkshire Terrier and a Pomeranian. They were tiny, but they were angry as hell. They never liked me. They never came anywhere close to me if Eric wasn't there. And despite my pleading, I couldn't get a cat due to Eric's allergies.

Two. Something touched my hand. It was soft, but then fingers intertwined with mine. That's when I realized this thing wasn't human. It's hands—can you even call them hands?—had a texture similar to an oatmeal raisin cookie. Ew.

I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. At first I thought I hadn't. It was pitch black, but after blinking a few times, I was sure I had opened my eyes.

The purring hadn't stopped. Curious, I cleaned my neck upward to meet the sight of its source.

My eyes met two glowing masses of beady red. The creature tilted its head to the side and squeezed my hand harder. It's piercing glare shook me to my core. I froze. I almost screamed. Almost. But I managed to hold it back as the furry beast pulled me closer to its body.

The sheer warmth and fluff made me sleepy. Before I conked out, I mustered, "What... are you?"


I woke up to something touching my side. I cried out and instinctively covered my wound.

The beast looked down at me, hands poised above my abdomen. It chittered away, making sounds that were incoherent for humans. I don't know how, but I got the feeling it was apologizing.

I slowly raised my arm up to its head. It met me halfway and closed its eyes. I hesitantly pat its head and the purring sound returned.

"I forgive you." The creature's eyes smiled from its cheeks. It slowly started to lay a hand back on my stomach before pausing. I nodded before hissing out in pain. It was only then that I looked to see how bad it was.

An indent in my side was roughly bandaged using what looked to be large feathers. A soft touch showed that it was a deep incision that nearly missed my organs. If it wasn't bandaged, I surely would've bled out.

This... thing... saved my life.

"Thank you." I whispered. It hurt so badly, but a temporary pain was better than a permanent death. 

The creature chittered and rubbed the fluff surrounding its face onto mine. I laughed and rubbed back.


In the depths of West Virginia, there are rumors of a monster that haunts the woodlands and caves. It flies over the night skies in search of food. The monster has a blood-curdling shriek, emitted when the prey is grabbed by its talons. None escape its grasp.

But it's hardly a monster. I owe this creature my life. Three years ago, I was left for dead in a forest. That's when it found me. I woke up to my wounds bandages. I was fed and for once, I was finally loved. Every night since, we went flew above the forest I now called home.

On its back, the clouds can be seen as brilliant reds and blues. The wind blowing through your hair. The only beast for miles hasn't been seen in years.

"Nothing will ever top a view like this." The creature chirped in response and flew back to its cave. I climbed off of its back and curled up into its chest.

"Thank you. For everything, dear." I wrapped my arms in the fluff of its neck. "I love you."

866 words
I ordered a package of worms on a string (worms on strings?? What is the plural of worm on a string?) and it should be coming tomorrow!!

I normally finish requests in the order they were requested, but I don't think I have it in me to write tentacle porn just yet gkgskg

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