Fem! Werecat x Fem! Reader (Short Fluff)

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(Y/N)'s POV

I stood at the couch waiting for Lisa to come home. She said she would come back at 5, but it's 10. And there's still no sign of her. To be frank, I was very upset. I wonder what her excuse would be.

It was now 11. My eyelids were getting heavy... I've stayed up longer, but I have to prepare for that. I should've been in bed by now, but Lisa still wasn't home. "I can fight this. Who needs sleep?"

Apparently I did. Because not too long after I said that, my eyelids were too heavy to keep open. I curled up on the couch and covered myself the best I could with a thin blanket. Only one thought crossed my mind as I drifted off to sleep.

"Where is Lisa?"


I was on a boat. I was alone. It was storming.  Choppy waves. Choppy thoughts. The boat capsized. I went under. Salty water poured into my lungs. I'm suffocating. This is it. This is the end.

I was on a boat. I was alone.


I gasped and opened my eyes to see a pitch black mass laying on my chest. Under any other circumstances, I would assume I was having sleep paralysis again. But I heard the motor-like engine that was a panther laying on top of my chest. With the purring of the large cat on top of me, I drifted back off to sleep. At least she was home.

When I woke up again, it was to the popping and sizzling of bacon. Mmmm, bacon. I sat up and saw Lisa in the kitchen. She was wearing a tank top and boxers. I only mention this because it allowed me to see the extensive scars on her body. A twinge of sadness pushed through me, until I noticed that some were fresh.

"Lisa?" I ask.

"Yes, my darling?"

I got up and joined her in the kitchen, slinking my arms around her waist. In the sweetest voice I could muster, I simply said, "Where were you last night?"

She froze. The bacon popped and crackled. A spec of hot grease splashed onto my bare arm. I flinched, but didn't move.

"Lisa, where were you last night?" I demanded.

She turned off the heat on the stove and moved the skillet to another burner. She removed my arms from her waist and took my hands I to her own.

"I'm sorry." She said, head hanging low.

"Tell me where you were." I insisted. She wasn't going to leave again without telling me where she was that got her hurt.

"I got into another bar fight..." Lisa mumbled.

I sighed and shook my head disapprovingly. "Lisa..." I groaned.

"Look—Someone was insulting you! What was I supposed to do?"

"Walk. Away. Lisa. You don't acknowledge their words." I frowned.


"No buts." I said, cutting her off before she could give me an excuse. "Promise me you won't get in another fight tonight." I said, holding out my pinky finger.

"Are you kidding me?" She groaned.

"Promise me, Lisa." I said.

She made a face and interlocked her finger with mine. "There. Ya happy?" She grumbled. But I was happy. I have her a charge kiss, and we laid on the couch spooning. At least we could have a lazy Saturday every now and then.

564 words


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