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Every graduate was standing behind the stage waiting to graduate. Hermione was walking around trying to find Harry and Ginny. When she did however Ginny was crying into Harry's shoulder, and Harry whispering into her ear. She decided against interfering with their moment and went to go find her brother. Walking through the people wasn't the easiest thing. Everyone is finding their friends or their boyfriend/girlfriend. Like Ron and some random girl who seemed to be enjoying themselves. She finally found her brother standing awkwardly.

"Hey bro." His head shot up and smiled.

"Hey, we haven't talked in awhile." Hermione laughed.

"No we haven't. But we're going home soon, so we can hang out again."

They stood catching up on N.E.W.T.S, the past and of course their future. Blaise hugged Hermione which surprised her but hugged back nonetheless.

"I'm sorry. I'm not gonna make your future as miserable as I did your past. I'm sorry." He said as he pulled away.

"Blaise, you are already said this. I forgave you. And nothing will change that." Blaise's face lit up and smiled.

"Cmon Zabinis! It's time to graduate!" Draco yelled.

The whole class of 1999 and the past class of 1998 stood looking out at the parents and close friends of the graduates. To pure bloods to muggle parents. Hermione scanned looking for her parents hoping they were out of the ministry, but her last hope died when she saw the last person.

"Now I would like Harry Potter to come say a few words. Then after I will have others."

Harry walked up to McGonagall's podium and smiled, then started.

"What feels like ages ago, I found out I was a wizard, still not knowing about anything that had happened on the night my parents died. I feel that was the most exciting day of my life, meeting a close friend of mine, and finding out I was leaving the the place I hated. Thank you Hagrid." He paused to look at Hagrid. "Hagrid is one of the many people I can thank for being here. He is the one that helped save us all. Along with Hermione Granger, my best friend. She was the brains of it all, and without Ron calling you a nightmare, we would have never become friends. I had many people to support me, even when I was being a prat." Everyone laughed a this. "The last person I would especially like to thank is, Narcissa Malfoy. She risked her life to save Draco, also helping me. I may have not had a mother, but I had plenty of figures that saved me.

"Now, I have one last thing to ask. I would like a moment of silence for all those we lost at war. Fred Weasley, Tonks, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Colin Creevey and many more. Thank you all."

Everyone bowed their head for a few moments to remember.

"Ron Weasley." Ron walked up looking nervous as ever.

"Well, hi. I don't really know how to start this." People laughed again. "But I will thank someone that helps me more than just war. Hermione Granger, I messed up at the beginning of this year, I lost a best friend because of it. But I am grateful, she helped me see some things I needed to see a long time ago. We know some people in our class, that made a different choice than us, they messed up. But, they asked for forgiveness, Hermione gave it to them. I was mad, to where I messed up very badly in our relationship. Hermione, I'm sorry." He walked off looking upset, until Hermione ran up and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry." Ron murdered her shoulder.

"It's not okay what you did, but we can learn to just be friends again." With that Hermione walked over to Theo.

"Hermione Granger, would you like to speak?" Hermione shook her head.

"Alright then, Draco Malfoy." Draco looked surprised but shyly walked up.

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