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a/n- please keep in mind this is my first fan fiction that I WILL TRY to finish. Bear with me guys.  Also all characters owned by J.K Rowling

After war Hermione Jean Granger had moved into The Burrow while the Ministry of Magic worked on gaining her parents memory's back. Hermione and Ron has started dating a few short months after the war, but Ron was coping with the lose of his older brother Fred Weasley. The Burrow had been quite every since war no one was really the same.
One day while Hermione and Ginny were sitting in their rooms talking a gray barn owl had flown through the window. Ginny ran over and picked up the 2 letters the owl had dropped. Ginny gave the owl a treat and sat down next to Hermione. "There from Hogwarts!!!" Hermione exclaimed. Hermione ripped open the letter and read aloud

"Dear Hermione Jean Granger,

We would like to welcome you and your friends back to Hogwarts Witch Craft and Wizardry to finish your 7th year. You would be known as Eighth Years your year would combine with year lower than you. If you would like to return please send a letter back by August 10th. If you would return we would like to offer you the position as the Head Girl. Have a nice summer, we wish to be seeing you on September 1st.

Deepest Regards,

Minerva McGonagall."

"I get to be in your year!!" yelled Ginny with excitement. "I GET TO BE HEAD GIRL!!" Hermione yelled a bit to loud. The door opened to see a freckled face boy with head full of red fiery hair. "Bloody hell, babe calm down we can hear you from down stairs!" Ron said dramatically as he leaned down and gave her a peck on the cheek. Ronald! She's excited for Merlin sakes!" yelled Ginny when she hit Ron upside the head. "For what bloody now?" Hermione rolled her eyes at his statement. "I'M GOING TO HOGWARTS!" She yelled. "Oh, all that fuss for that?" The brunette and the red head rolled their eyes and walked down stairs.
As the reached the bottom step both girls yelled "WE'RE GOING BACK TO HOGWARTS!" As they run around and flash the letter to anyone they can. Just a few moments later a white owl had flown in dropped 2 letters on the table. They were both addressed to Harry and Ron. "So......?" asked Ginny impatiently. "Looks like you got 2 new blokes coming with you!" Harry said as he ran and picked Ginny up and spun her around. "Harry are you the new head boy?" Hermione asked eagerly. "She asked but I want a normal year without any duties." "Makes sen-" Hermione was cut off by a black owl flying in and dropped a letter on Hermione's lap. "Who's that from babe?" asked Ron curiously. Hermione ignored the question and ripped open the letter.

"Dear Hermione Granger,

        For what it is worth our family is sorry for how our family treated you all in the past. For our apologies we would like to invite your over for lunch we also have some information you may want to know. Send us you reply as soon as possible.

Best wishes

         The Zabinis."

"The Zabinis want me to have lunch with them." Hermione said still shocked. At this point Ron was rambling on about how they are death eaters and they can't change. Harry is asking Hermione what she is going to do, and then "SHUT UP RONALD WEASLEY" Ginny yelled with anger. Ron instantly shut his mouth until Harry broke the silence. "So are you going to go?" Hermione sat and thought about this for a moment, they had said they has some information for her. Her curiosity got the best of her. "Probably. I mean people change so yea I think I will." Hermione said hesitant. "YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY BE SERIOUS, HERMIONE! THEY ARE DEATH EATHERS FOR MERLIN SAKE!" Ron yelled as he gasped for air. "Ronald Billius Weasley! Hermione will do as she pleases!" Mrs.Weasley said with a huff of anger. "Yes mum." Ron said annoyingly. Hermione stormed up stairs and let the Zabinis know she would be joining them for tomorrow. Hermione plopped on her bed and thought of what the information could be and who the Head Boy would be, and with that she dozed off into a easy slumber.

a/n that's the end of the first chapter! let me know how it was and what I can fix! I plan to make future chapter longer!

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