t h r e e

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a/n sorry if this beginning is bad i'm not quite sure how to write as Theo but it will get better!

Theo's POV

I was sitting in my Slytherin colored room when a grey barn owl flew in and dropped a letter on my bed. I walked over and picked the letter and ripped it open.

Dear Theodore Nott,

Hoping you learned for you decisions from last year, we would like to welcome you back to Hogwarts as an Eighth year and would be combined with the year behind you. If you would like to join us, we would like to offer you the position o f Head Boy. Please send you response by August 10th. Hope your summer is well we hope to be seeing you.

Minerva McGonagall

I stood there in pure shock. How could they want me back? I'm a death eater for fucks sake. Seriously, Head boy also? All I could think is what is McGonagall on. If I would go back I could complete my education and possibly get a good job, I could also show that I've changed. On the bad side I would probably have to deal with Potty, Weasel and Know-it-all. Also with all the comments on me- "Honey, dinners ready!" Mother yelled. I groaned loudly and walked down stairs. My mother and I sat in silence for awhile. My father was in Azkaban for his death eater acts. We still sat in silence until I told her about the Hogwarts letter.

'What do you think I should do, Mother?"

"You are going." I rolled my eyes

"I'm not getting a choice am I?" Mother shook her head a I sighed.

After I excused myself I told my mother I was heading to my bedroom to write my answer and  then I would be heading to bed. I bidded her goodbye and walked up the stairs to my bedroom. I walked in my bedroom and wrote my letter. I sat on my bed reading Quidditch through The Ages. My mind drifted to who the Head girl could be. Granger, Weaslette, or Lovegood were the only girls I could think of. No doubt they would still have the Head dorm area. With the thought of living with one of those 3 I laid down and drifted off to sleep.

Third Person POV

She sent her reply in to McGonagall a couple of days ago. Today Ron, Ginny, Harry, and Hermione are all going to Diagon alley. Blaise is going with a couple of his friends. I apparated over to The Burrow bidded Mrs. and Mr. Weasley goodbye and apparated to Diagon Alley. "Where should we head off first?" asked Ginny. "I am headed to Flourish and Blotts first!" Hermione jumped. "I think the three of us will head to Quality Quidditch Supplies then go to the Leaky Cauldron." Harry said. "Okay meet you there." Hermione said. Hermione walked to Flourish and Blotts and examined the shelves. She found all her school books and paid for them as she went to walk out she ran into something hard. She closed her eyes and waited for fall. She waited, waited and waited. It never came. "You can open your eyes now Granger your not gonna fall." A deep voice said. Hermione opened her eyes to see a tanned, hazel eyed, ruffle hair wizard who was a foot taller than her, she recognized this wizard as Theodore Nott. She does have to admit he looks a lot more attractive. She could the blush rising up her cheeks. "Uh....Yeah. You can let go of me now." His strong arms left her small body leaving the cold to drift on it again.. "Thanks." Hermione said hesitantly. "Watch where your going next time." He said in a bit colder voice than earlier. She didn't say anything and left. After she left. Theo knew about Hermione being the new found Zabini but it was weird thinking of the smart-ass mudblood Granger he had known for years turn into Pureblood in less than a day.
       (a/n sorry if this a bit weird I wasn't sure how to write this)  Hermione continued her walk to the Leaky Cauldron and thought about her encounter with Nott. He was nice than just became cold after letting her go. Does he know about me being Blaise's sister?  I mean he's got to hes one of Blaise's mates.  They hadn't changed her last name to Zabini yet but they were going to very soon. Hermione shook her head of all thoughts of Nott and walked into the Leaky Cauldron. She found her small group of friends at a table by a window and she went and sat down next to Ron. "Did you get everything you need" asked Harry. "Yea, I did, how about you guys?" They all nodded their head. They all had a quick chat then decided to go back to The Burrow. They went in and played games until about 10 pm. "I'm headed to bed, babe come to my room when your done" Ron said. She nodded and sat with the others for another 20 minutes and headed upstairs.

Hermione's POV

      I walked up the last step to Ron's room. I opened the door walked in and closed it. "Hey. What-" I was cut off by Ron's sloppy lips on my mine. So it's one of these nights. He picked me up and tossed me on the bed. He never made sexually fulfilled, it was only for the pleasure of himself. I let him do his thing while my mind wondered to the library. Once he was done he fell asleep. Ron was a very sexual person and only pleasuring himself and not me. I knew there was something more out there, but I wasn't leaving Ron.

a/n and thats the end of the third chapter! let me know what I can change whats good and what you would like to read in the next few chapters. vote and comments!

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