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Fix your tone, you're in my kingdom now. Call me Queen, that's a direct order. Do you see my crown? Its made of pain and suffering, dirt and grime, strength, and courage. It cost me more then riches can buy, a piece of my soul that took centuries to get. Sink to your knees peasant, bow before me, for we will never be equal. The power is me. Tell me how does it feel sunken on the ground, your life in my very palms? Weak as brittle bones and failing kidneys or weak as blinding eyes and broken will? Do you wish to die or would you rather serve me for eternity? My reign will be brutality, but noble, savage but selfless. Rain war on me, I dare you. I'll scorch blistering fires high and hot as the burning sun. I'll slay mercilessly to those all who lack loyalty, bringing hell to the land to divide and conquer my traders. You'll see me rise, I'll watch you fall. Burden me even once, you'll suffer more than twice. No one will ever step nor stomp on me like delicate squished bugs again or I'll put them in the ground entrapped in cages of ice-cold air as thin as sandpaper, forged in nothing but hollow blackness, and starved till the point of near-death. Royalty is both a gift and a curse, choose your fate, and suffer the consequences.

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