true story

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Let me tell you a story
A true one

I'm walking down the street with my dog
The sky is a portrait of solid grey
And this tannish car passes me
Only to pull over at the next house
The distance between us closes
And as I go to pass the car
The car door opens
To a man about in his sixties
In a blue long sleeve and jeans
He asks me what type of dog I have
I say "Pitbull, German Shepard mix"
He goes, "That's really a pit bull? That big?"
I nodded all the while my dog barks at him
He asks if she's mean
I say no
He says she looks mean
I shrug and say she doesn't like people
He continues to ask me questions
Like my last name and where I live
I tell him vague answers as my dog growls
Then he says, "There's a pond behind my house."
I say, "Oh."
He says, "Everyone knows about the pond."
I nod
He continues, "Do you want to see the pond?"
I politely say, "No thank you." to the stranger
He tilts his head. "You sure?"
I nod repeating, "No thank you."
And thankfully he let me walk away
I called my mom immediately to come pick me up
This man was trying to lure me away
So he could kidnap me

The pond was like him saying, "Here you want some candy, I have candy inside."

He was asking questions about my 'mean' dog because he wanted to know if he made a move on me if she would bite him.
(I had mace on me as well thankfully)

Be aware. Do not walk alone. And do not let strangers convince you to go somewhere.

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