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When you were together you were electric

To some, they'd say love was invisible. It was just a feeling you felt but couldn't see. But god were they blind.

Because her smile glowed like sunshine when they were together
And his eyes rippled like the ocean when he looked at her—
And he looked at her with pure utter devotion

When she laughed he'd listen to her like she was his favorite music
But she was only laughing in the first place because of him
Because he'd be silly just so he could see her nose crinkle in that cute way he loved
And she playfully pushed him—yearning to touch him—to feel his skin against hers

When this happened the world shrunk and the space between them narrowed
As they became hyper-aware of each other and every waking second passing
Staring at each other's eyes feeling a force greater than gravity
The air hot as helium, the inches separating them insufferable

Breathing impossible
Lips unstoppable
Taste phenomenal

It was an intensity that even a comet crashing to earth couldn't match
A feeling that even the universe couldn't out big

Yet it was simple

Because together they were energy
Burning, burning, burning
To their very own fuel
Of what life could be
Of what life should be

Of what the blind couldn't be

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