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Yeonjun held Soobin's hand tightly, his eyes calm as he stared at Soobin's father.

The whole field had gone quiet and tense, the fiery door burning even more fiercely than before.

"You killed your own wife... You threatened the life of your own son, the heir to the throne, and his friends..." Yeonjun scoffed.
"You think you can tell death bringers what to do forever? You think that you can just tell someone to do something and they'll obey? So many of the death bringers in your collection didn't like your ways. You're power thirsty. And I hate it." Yeonjun said. Soobin's father sighed, looking at all of them.

Everyone stepped back slightly as purple fire surrounded the man, lighting striking once again around the field.

"You really think that words and another death bringer makes a difference?" Soobin's father laughed.

"We don't think it does." Beomgyu said.
"We know so."
"Exactly! We will make sure you lose!" Yeji yelled.

Soobin's father just shook his head.
"If you're so confident, try hitting me again. I'll just send you all to Hell. That's what I should've done in the beginning."
"Okay, fine." Yeonjun said.
"Y-Yeonjun...!" Soobin looked at Yeonjun with wide eyes.
"You might be half death bringer now, but your blood isn't fully accustomed..." Soobin said.

"He has a point..." Yuna said.
"Yeonjun," Ryujin walked up to Yeonjun.
"You are making a huge gamble by fighting with an undeveloped body." Ryujin said.
"We can fight until you're at least stable." Chaeryeong said.
"Yeonjun... Are you okay with this?" Kai asked nervously.

"Tick tock, I can only let you plan uselessly for so long." Soobin's father interrupted them, looking at his nails.

"Ugh, screw you!" Taehyun yelled loudly, turning to Yeonjun.
"Hyung, you can choose. We've come so far... I've known you for so long, and I know that you aren't one to lay back because of some flaw. So please... Let's do this." Taehyun stared into Yeonjun's eyes, the older nodding at him.

Just as they were about to turn around, more lighting came for them, everyone trying to dodge it.
"Hey, we were having a moment here!" Jisu exclaimed.
Soobin's father didn't respond to her.
He just looked angry.
The death bringers got their powers ready, the humans backing them up as Soobin lit a purple fire around his body, holding Yeonjun tightly beside him.

Soobin wasn't letting him out of his grip, and Yeonjun was getting tired of watching his friends fight and get hit.

"I want to help... Please. I'll be okay." Yeonjun looked up at Soobin. Soobin looked at him for a second until he just let him go.

"Let's go." Soobin said.

Yeonjun smiled as he held hands with Soobin, his body instantly engulfed in white sparks.

Yeonjun smiled and nodded as he felt his blood heat up, Soobin running off to help the others. Yeonjun stood there for a few more seconds until he went to join them.

Yeonjun wasn't sure what his power was, but he was about to find out soon enough.
Soobin's father saw Yeonjun coming, creating a barrier of lighting as Yeonjun attempted a punch.
Yeonjun tilted his head, punching into in again. This time, two white spikes came out from his back, the two objects pushing on the barrier along with his hand.
Soobin's father was sent back, everyone widening their eyes at him.
"OMG. THAT WAS SO COOL!!!" Kai laughed hugging Yeonjun. Yeonjun laughed, hugging Kai back.

Soobin's father groaned, sitting up and reaching up for his cheek. He sighed as blood covered his fingers, looking up at all of the others.
"That was easy..." Yuna laughed.
"Really easy..." Chaeryeong smiled.
Soobin's father let out a yell, standing up. The burning door was right behind Yeonjun and the others, and Soobin's father had an idea.

Flower: Yeonbin Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat