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Nekoma arrived at Shinzen early. After Shinzen Volleyball Team welcomed them, they quickly arranged their things inside their assigned room and started changing into their practice jerseys. All of them are fired up for this Training Camp, even Kenma too. He's excited to see Hinata and be with him for a week, this is the longest time they'll be together so Kenma is eager.

"Everyone, head outside immediately. Fukurodani has arrive, let's meet them." Coach Nekomata informed the team.

They moved immediately and headed outside to meet Fukurodani team who is getting off their bus and of course, Bokuto's loud voice immediately caught everyone's attention.

"HEY! HEY! HEY!" He yelled-greets.

Kuroo instantly walked closer to Bokuto. "BOKUTO!!" Kuroo greeted with the same enthusiasm Bokuto's voice had.

"How are you huh?" Bokuto asked while resting his arm on Kuroo's shoulder.

"We just met last month but it felt like a year!" Kurll said exaggeratedly.

Kenma just sighed and turned his attention to Akaashi who's silently walking towards him with his usual emotionless expression and bored eyes.

"Kenma..nice to meet you again." Akaashi greeted and bowed a little.


"KUROO!!!" Bokuto yelled with a dramatic tone.

"BOKUTO!!!" Kuroo responded back with the same tone.

Coach Yameji from Fukurodani and Coach Nekomata greeted each other. Some of Nekoma's members, more specifically Yamamoto is admiring Fukurodani's girl managers, which Nekoma failed to have.

After greeting both teams greeted each other, they went inside Shinzen. Nekoma members and Fukurodani members are mixing up, and started talking to each other.

"Those two are noisy as always.." Kenma shrugged while looking at Kuroo and Bokuto sharing the same hype.

Akaashi looked at the same direction where the loud noise is coming from. "They are inseparable." Akaashi commented.

"They are both noisy too." Kenma said.

"And acts like a child." Akaashi added, agreeing with Kenma.

"Why do you even like Bokuto, Akaashi?" Kenma asked, while keeping a straight face.

Akaashi shrugged. "I don't know, I just do." Akaashi answered while keeping his emotionless face.

"How about you, Kenma? You like Kuroo?" Akaashi suddenly asked.

Kenma looked at Akaashi with disgusted face, and Akaashi can't help but to laugh a little because of Kenma's expression.

"Oh, I get it. I thought you like him since you two are always together too." Akaashi concluded.

"There's no way I'll like him." Kenma said.

"Why? You like someone already?"

Kenma didn't answer Akaashi and just kept his eyes on the path they are taking. And Akaashi being sharp as always, already knew the answer of his question.

"Who is it?" He asked curiously.

"Someone from Karasuno." Kenma answered silently, he doesn't want anyone to know about it except from Kuroo. But, Akaashi is the type of person who won't spill something personal like that to other person.

"Haven't met them yet."

"They're going to join this training camp." Kenma informed.

"Oh? So which one of them?"

"His jersey number is 10." Kenma said recalling what he saw when they had a practice match with Karasuno.

"Is he taller than you?"

Kenma shaked his head. "I'm taller."

And Akaashi was surprised because of that. "So he's small..."

Kenma was about to compliment Hinata but Kuroo and Bokuto suddenly appeared on their sides. Bokuto beside Akaashi and Kuroo beside Kenma.

"What are you two talking about?" Bokuto asked Akaashi.

"Nothing." Akaashi simply answered.

Bokuto posed a sad face. "Akaasshiiii, tell me..."

"It's nothing, Bokuto-san."

Kuroo just chuckled because of Bokuto's attitude and looked at Kenma who's just silent but Kuroo can tell Kenma is also excited and looking forward too meet Hinata so much.

After Fukurodani team settled inside their assigned room, Shinzen went outside to meet and welcome Ubugawa High who just arrived also. When they are all settled, they immediately proceeded to the gymnasium and started warming up.

Kenma on the other hand just sat lazily on the gym's floor and let Kuroo stretched his body. He just sat there while Kuroo is pushing his back to the floor, and Kenma just sighed.

I hate warm ups...

"They're late..." Kenma whispered to himself.

"Who? Karasuno?" Kuroo smirked.

Kenma nodded.

"Aww, don't worry Kenma...they'll arrive, just wait."

But minutes later and the four teams already decided with their pairs and started their practice match, Karasuno didn't arrive yet. Kenma's mind is wandering all the time because he's thinking about Hinata, and why are they late.

Kenma's continuous frowned and gloomy mood is starting to affect the game so Kuroo immediately moved closer to Kenma to encourage him.

"Kenma, don't lose focus. Chibi chan will surely like it when he saw you playing with so much coolness." Kuroo tried his way to Kenma's mind.

Kenma just shrugged. "I wonder why are they late..."

But Kenma's depression was immediately removed when he heard the gym's door opening. He immediately looked in that direction and smiled in his mind when he saw Karasuno arriving. Their Coaches immediately went to the other Coaches and apologized for being late.

All four teams inside stopped playing and had their attention focus on Karasuno arriving.

When all of them was inside, Kenma's brows furrowed when he can't see the person he's looking forward to meet. Meanwhile Kuroo...instantly started checking out Tsukishima who's talking at Yamaguchi.

Kenma thought Hinata was left behind because he walked slow but minutes passed Hinata wasn't there yet. Even Kageyema, the setter wasn't there too. Kenma wondered where those two went.

"Where's Shouyo?" Kenma asked himself.

When Kuroo heard that he immediately looked for the tangerine and realize Hinata wasn't there. He just noticed it because he's busy checking out Tsukishima.

Kuroo looked at Kenma who's gloomy.

"Kenma..." Kuroo called.

"Why is he not here?" Kenma asked Kuroo.

"Uh...I don't know...maybe he was left behind in school?" Kuroo said, unsure.

But that only made Kenma's mood worse. "Even that setter isn't here.."

Kenma just frowned.

What happened?


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