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Both Kenma and Hinata are tired from practicing so much because of the upcoming pracitce match. They never had the chance to talk again in the game because both of them spends majority of their time practicing for next week's practice match.

Coach Ukai encouraged them to practice a lot. For them to improve and win the practice match. Even though it's a practice match both of the teams are taking this seriously as if it was an official match between both teams.

"Gaaawwd, I'm tired." Hinata groaned while resting his back on the wall.

His teammates are also tired from practicing too much. And also resting inside their gymnasium.

"Hinata, here.." Hinata looked up and see Sugawara handing him a bottle of water.

Hinata smiled brightly and gladly accepted it. "Thanks! Sugawara-san!"

"The practice match will happen the day after tomorrow, be sure to fully rest tomorrow." Coach Ukai said while standing tall in front of the whole Karasuno Team.

"Hai!!" They all answered in unison.

Tomorrow's a complete rest day, means no practice. Just resting their full body and regaining their energy for the upcoming practice match the will happen the day after tomorrow. Hinata can't help but to feel excited, he will be wearing his varsity uniform with the same number with the Little Giant! It's exhilarating.

"Oi! Be sure to get rest! Don't you practice more tomorrow!" Tanaka immediately reminded Hinata, while looking closely in his eyes.

"I will! Tanaka-senpai!"

When Hinata arrived home, his mom immediately prepared him dinner and quickly ate his meal so that he can rest immediately. His mucles feel so sore, practicing volleyball for the whole week. But somehow, Hinata feels so happy, playing Volleyball.

Hinata lay his whole body on his back and Nekozume immediately registered in his mind. He haven't talk with him ever since they played last time and looked for that hybrid pet.

Hinata grabbed his phone and without hesitation he logged in into the game.

Welcome to RPG Battle! Logged In!

Hinata looked all over Server 10 to look for Nekozume.

After how many minutes of looking he saw his character standing infront of a wisteria tree. Hinata immediately moved his character beside Nekozume's.

I'm back!!
I'm sorry I didn't have
time to log in the game!
I've been busy with volleyball
these past few days!!
I'm very sorry!

Are you mad??
Sorry!!Please forgive me T0T
I didn't meant to left you inside
the game...

Please respond to me :((
Please respondddd

We can play all day tomorrow!
We don't have pracitce!

you were inactive for 3
r u that busy?

...Are you mad? (ˇˍˇ)

i'm not, i got busy too.

You were busy too? ★★

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