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timeskip | 6 months later

"Congratulations on graduating, Kuroo." I said while looking at Kuroo who's smiling like an idiot, wearing a graduation coat and holding his diploma. Kuroo finally graduated, well as for me I just moved another year. I'm finally a third year, it doesn't excite me, what I am looking forward is finally it's the last year of high-school and I'll be out.

"Tetsu-kun~ Where are you planning to attend for college?" Kuroo's Mom asked with her usual serene voice, Kuroo's Dad is taking pictures in every angle. So proud of Kuroo graduating.

I took a glance at my wrist watch and heaved a sigh, it's still early...why is time moving so slow? I want to see Shouyo already. This ceremony is taking so long..

"Can you at least pose a happy face, I know you're so excited to get your ass to Miyagi right now." Kuroo whispered silently at me, I just frowned.

"I'm glad you know..then can I get the freak out of here now?" I asked, feeling impatient with all the dramas that is happening around, a parent to child interaction. Crying parents because their child graduated, well I think Dad and Mom would've done it too, if it's the time for me to graduate.

Kuroo exaggeratedly acted hurt. "You're the only friend I invited here- oh well, I invited Bokuto but he's also preparing for his graduation...but nevertheless you should be grateful that I invited you despite being so salty about me graduating."

I deadpanned. "Ugh, whatever."

Kuroo just smiled at me and tapped my shoulder and returned to his 3rd year friends who are also smiling from ear to ear. Obviously happy that they are finally out of this shit hole. Must be nice..

My phone suddenly buzzed and I immediately looked at, hoping it's from Shouyo.

And it is.

From: Shouyo
Subject: Congratulations!
On being a 3rd year! And to Kuroo-san, who graduated!

From: Kenma
Subject: Re: Congratulations!
u too, you're a second year now.

From: Shouyo
Subject: Miyagi
Are you coming over?

From: Kenma
Subject: of course
classes are over, we have our break. finally.

From: Shouyo
Subject: Re: of course
Are you staying over?

From: Kenma
Subject: hmm?
you want me to?

From: Shouyo
Subject: Hehe
Of course! (๑•᎑< ๑)♡

From: Kenma
Subject: Re: Hehe
okay. xD

From: Shouyo
Subject: Great!
Should I tell Mom about us now? ( ಠ ಠ )

From: Shouyo
Subject: Re: Great
We've been together for a lot of months now...Kozume-san already took a hint last month when I come over and already knew about us..but Mom still doesn't.

From: Kenma
Subject: sure
i'm fine with it, you think your mom will be okay with us?

From: Shouyo
Subject: 100%
Of course!! Mom is kind and very accepting to all, as long as we're both happy (❛◡❛)✿

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