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The skies are already nearing dark and it's giving an orange vibe when both teams decided to stop playing and go home. Both Kenma and Hinata are tired from playing, so both of the teams decided to rest for a while before going back to their homes. And Hinata being a extrovert decided to approach Kenma, and talk about the game they just played.

Kenma and Hinata are sitting on the corner of the gymnasium where the benches are located. Hinata is smiling from ear to ear while Kenma is avoiding Hinata's eye contact.

"Your team were pretty good! Kenma!" Hinata complimented while smiling brightly at Kenma.

Kenma shyly nodded. "Thanks...you play good too, Shouyo..."

Heh. I thought he would compliment the whole team but he only said something about me. Hinata felt shy because of his thought.

"Uhm..can I have your contact info? I'd like to communicate with you about the tournament we're playing soon." Hinata scratched the back of his head while his cheeks are flushed because he just asked for Kenma's contact info.

Kenma was shocked and he looked at Hinata who's looking very shy. "Uh, sure."

Kenma and Hinata exchanged contact info. And a small smile crept into Kenma's serious face.

I got Shouyo's contact info..He said in the back of his mind.

Kenma's anticipating to tell Shouyo the truth right now. But he is still anxious of what Hinata will say about it. He is still not sure if Shouyo will be mad of him or not. But Kenma is sure that Shouyo won't hold any grudges against Kenma.

Shouyo is a nice person...

"Do you play games Kenma?" Shouyo suddenly asked while still browsing on his phone.

Kenma looked at Shouyo. "Uhm, yes. Why?"

"Me too! I am actually playing this role playing game, but I am still not good at it. So my friend here is helping me.."

Kenma didn't say a thing and diverted his gaze away from Shouyo.

I want to tell him...

"You'll be good at it soon, for sure..." Kenma said quietly.

"Hmm? Yes! Maybe, my friend here is really good and he's helping me a lot." Shouyo grinned at Kenma.

"You should play too!"

"I am..." Kenma answered and decided to take a look at Shouyo's face who's brighter than ever.

"You do??? What's your username! I should add you!" He smiled wider while moving close to Kenma that their arms are already brushing off each other that made Kenma's heart skip a beat.

What was that?

Kenma tossed his phone out and opened the app. Shouyo was attentive to Kenma's actions while he's opening the app.

"Wow, you have a lot of mobile games.." He even commented.

Kenma's mind is literally panicking because of the fact that Shouyo will find out minutes later that he is the one teaching the latter on how to play the game and how to get better on playing it.

Because of nervousness, Kenma held his phone in one hand and unconsciously his other hand brushed off his hair by using his finger.

And Hinata couldn't help but to stare at Kenma while he did that.

Hot. The only word that came into Hinata's mind.

Hinata saw Kenma pursed his lips. "The connection is slow..." His voice is still low while saying those.

Hinata was staring at Kenma's face closely and observing it. He actually looks pretty good.

When Kenma looked at Hinata, Hinata immediately diverted his gaze on another direction, afraid that Kenma might caught him staring.

"Shouyo..open your app.." Kenma reminded.

Hinata laughed nervously. "O-Oh yeah! Right! Hehe."

Hinata got his phone out from his pocket and opened it. He took a deep breath and tried to ignore Kenma's presence beside him even though they are actually pretty close to each other.

They didn't even notice Kuuro and Kagyema's stares on their direction.

"Kuroo, is Kenma close to that Karasuno's #10?" Yaku suddenly came to ask Kuuro about what they are witnessing.

"Oh, they are. He's kinda Kenma's new possession." Kuroo chuckled because of the words he used.

"New possession? He's done with his video games?" Yaku is obviously don't have any clue about what the black haired one is talking about.

"Hmm, let's just say that chibi became one of hid possession." Kuroo snickered while looking at the two short boys sitting at the bench on the corner of the gym.

Not bad, Kenma. Kuroo thought.

Kageyama on the other hand is staring at the both of them because he's curious of Kenma's position as the setter. He doesn't mind that Hinata talking to that blonde setter, he's actually minding how Kenma thinks and critiques the whole entire game they played. He's very observant, and Kageyama can't help but to praise the Nekoma's setter.

"Hinata got another friend?" Tanaka asked while looking at Kenma and Hinata.

Kageyama nodded. "Looks like it."

Welcome to RPG Battle! Logged In!

Those words are flashed on the screens of their phones. Hinata is smiling while Kenma on the other hand is nervous. His mind is actually having it's anxiety because he's too nervous of Shouyo knowing about his account.

There's no turning back. That's what he drilled into his mind.

"Let's play together sometimes!" Hinata informed Kenma while smiling brightly again.

Kenma nodded. "Sure."

"So what's your username?"

Kenma can feel his throat getting dry because of Hinata's question. There's no turning back already. Kenma was hesitating for how many seconds and he's just staring at his phone screen, trying to calm both his mind and heart. As if Hinata's question is a life and death situation type of question.

But he's just asking for Kenma's username.

"Kenma?" Hinata called.

"Oh! Sorry..uh.."

"So what's your username?" Hinata asked one more time.

Kenma gulped.


Hinata blinked once, and once again until it became continuous. He can't process what Kenma just said.


Kenma diverted his eyes. "My..username is nekozume."


logged in! | kenhinaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon