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"Are you sure you're going to be just fine?" Hinata's mom worriedly asked him, as he wear his shoes all ready to go. Natsu is holding their Mom's shirt hem, while looking at Shouyo with a sad face. She doesn't want Shouyo to go because they usually play during weekends and Natsu will surely miss her older brother. As for their Mom, she's worried because Tokyo is such a huge city and she's worried for her son because he might get in danger.

"Don't worry, Mom! Kenma will be there waiting for me!" Hinata assured his Mom, and smiled to her as soon as he got up when he finished wearing his shoes. Hinata grabbed the paper bag where the apple pie Kenma told him to bring is in.

"You're sure?" Hinata's Mom asked.

"Yes Mom!! I'll message you frequently!" Hinata smiled and looked at Natsu who still have that sad face in her. "Don't be sad okay? I'll be back.."

Natsu nodded in a slow motion and Hinata smiled wider. He waved his hand to his Mom and sister and said. "Goodbye!!"

Hinata got outside of his house and hurried to the train station. While walking he took his phone out to message Kenma and inform him that he's on his way to Tokyo already. It's 3:15PM and it Hinata will arrive at Tokyo in 6PM since a train ride from Miyagi to Tokyo is 3 hours. That would be so boring for Hinata if he didn't have someone to talk to, good thing he can communicate with Kenma through phone or else he'll be really bored with that 3 hours long ride.

Hinata composed a message for Kenma as he walks, focusing his whole attention to his phone.

From: Shouyo
Subject: On the way!
Kenma!! See you soon!! (๑•᎑< ๑)♡

From: Kenma
Subject: Re: On the way!
are you in the train already?

From: Shouyo
Subject: Noo
Not yetttt, I'm still going to the train station.

From: Kenma
Subject: okay
call me if you're near okay?

From: Shouyo
Subject: Re: okay

From: Kenma
Subject: Re: Re: okay
stay safe.

From: Shouyo
Subject: Re: Re: Re: okay
I will ٩(ˊᗜˋ)و

Hinata smiled to himself and minutes later he arrived at Miyagi's Train Station. The Station isn't that crowded than it is before, majority of the passengers were just workers. Hinata lined up to buy his ticket to Tokyo and as he waits, someone suddenly called him.

"Shouyo?" Hinata looked behind him and his eyes widened when he saw who it was!

It was Sekimukai Kouji! It was Hinata's teammate before! He's first friends back in Middle school! The one who supported him before! He supported Hinata with his volleyball journey, together with Yukitaka Izumi!

"Wahhh!!?? Kouji-kun!!" Hinata exclaims as soon as he saw who it was.

"Shouyoo!! How have you been?" Sekimukai asked Hinata, as they continued to stay in line to get buy their train tickets.

"I'm good!! How about you? Is Izumi-kun with you too??" Hinata asked Sekimukai with his usual hyperactive mood.

"Oh.." Sekimukai held the back of his head and Hinata can see his cheeks getting red. "He's in Tokyo right now...we agreed to meet there."

"Oh?!" Hinata getting familiar with that expression immediately coped up with what is happening. "Are you and Izumi-kun dating?" Hinata asks.

Sekimukai's face became even more redder. "Y-Yeah...anyway how about you? You're going to Tokyo too?" Sekimukai changed the topic.

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