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From: Kenma
Subject: tokyo prelims
we made through the first round.

Kenma doesn't have any idea why he is informing Shouyo that they won the first round of the Tokyo Prelims. But, he just feel like he can't keep it to himself and he also wanted Shouyo to know about it. He wanted to know what's his reaction would be after hearing that news from him.

Kenma played his phone while staring at the ceiling above his room while waiting for Shouyo's response.

And of course, Shouyo didn't take long to reply.

From: Shouyo
Subject: Re: tokyo prelims
Waahh!!! Congrats Kenma!! And to your team of course ๑>ᴗ< ๑

Kenma's lips formed a little smile.

From: Kenma
Subject: (none)
thanks...uhm would you like to play?

Kenma doesn't even know why is he asking Shouyo to play with him. There's a part of him that didn't want to lose communication with Shouyo until the dusk. He wants to spend time with him more, for unknown reason.

Why does he want to spend time with him though? Is there something special with Shouyo that doesn't exist with his other friends?

If it is. Then what it is?

From: Shouyo
Subject: Sure
I'm glad you asked! I really wanted to show you off my new hair color hehe (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑

Kenma laughed because of Shouyo's response. He wants to show Kenma his newly obtained hair color?

How cute.

From: Kenma
Subject: cool
okay, let's meet in the zen garden.

From: Shouyo
Subject: Re: cool
Okie dokiiii ๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑

Kenma browsed his phone and opened the game who made their paths crossed earlier than it should be. RPG Battle is the reason why Kenma and Hinata became friends until up to now. It's because of the game.

Welcome to RPG Battle! Logged In!

Kenma immediately summoned his character to the place he mentioned earlier. Actually the zen garden in RPG Battle is where couples actually hang out, and Kenma didn't know why he wants to see Shouyo there, in the game.

Shouyo took a little time and made Kenma wait for how many minutes. And when he finally arrived, Kenma is just staring at Shouyo's character new hair color.

It's orange.

Shouyo's game character's hair is orange. Just like the color of his real hair in actual life. And it's pretty cute.

Is my hair color so cool???

oh yeah it is, your clothes are
also orange.
you're like a tangerine now.

Hey!! Don't you dare say that
orange is the perfect color
for me.
Don't you agree with me??
( •́ ̯•̀ )

of course, i agree with you
i will always agree with you

Hinata froze for a little while reading Kenma's message for him. What he just said made his heart throb for a reason and he can feel his cheeks heated up.

Ah, what's going on~?

Hinata took a deep breath before composing a reply for Kenma.

You should change your character's
appearance too.

why? you don't like the current
look of my character?

It's not that bad but your hair here
is too long!!! It's supposed to be
shoulder length hair!

oh? okay. i'll change my hair
right away.
shoulder length you say?

Whaaaa??? You'll what i just say?
Are you serious?? OoO

of course.

littlegiant_hinata _10:
But why??? (ᵒ̤̑ ₀̑ ᵒ̤̑)

because you say so.

Kenma doesn't know why does he have to say that but there's a part of him that he likes following what Shouyo asks him to do, it's like everything Shouyo asks, he will gladly follow it.

And Kenma is sure that right now this isn't just plain friendship he is feeling. He won't follow some of Kuuro's requests. But Kenme knew for himself that he will follow what Shouyo asks him to do.

Whatever it is. Kenma is so sure that what he's feeling isn't just simple friendship at all. He doesn't feel like this towards his other friends though. Only to him.

Kenma knew for sure he felt something different because of what just Shouyo told him earlier, and it's not how friends should feel.

I like him. He said in the back of his mind.

He knew for sure he wouldn't feel something like that towards his other friends.

He's feeling something greater than being just a friend.

Kenma wants to mean something more towards Shouyo, not just a friend.

But something greater.

I'm doomed.


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