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"So that's what happened huh..." Kuroo said as soon as Kenma told everything what happened between him and Shouyo lately.

Obviously, Hinata isn't bothered with the words he just said yesterday. But as for Kenma, those words kept replaying in his mind like a broken record because he can't forget about it.

"You've been friend zoned a lot huh.."

Kenma just shrugged. "It doesn't matter-"

"Well, Kenma it does. You should tell him about your feelings, you can't keep it forever you know. You can endure it for the mean time but for sure you'll snap one day." Kuroo says. "Chibi orange is dumber that I thought he'd be. I thought he's not dumber than Bokuto."

Kenma just sighed. "Fukurodani....they'll be joining the training camp right?"

"Yeah, we'll stay at Shinzen." Kuroo informed. "The training camp is a week long...I hope you won't get bored Kenma...you hate training camps right?"

"It depends..."

"If Karasuno comes?" Kuroo asked teasing Kenma.

Kenma immediately glared at Kuroo. "No, it just...depends.."

"Do you think chibi has feelings for you too?" Kuroo asked.

Kenma sighed. "I don't think so, he only sees me as his close friend and always tells me that I am his best friend ever."

"Best friend..I am your best friend! Then he should be your boyfriend! Tell him the best friend spot is already taken by me." Kuroo said with no sense at all.

"I can have a lot of best friends." Kenma says. "But...I don't want Shouyo to be one of it.."

"Oh! Wow! Where's the i don't mind it part?"

Kenma just groaned. "Shut up, Kuroo."

"Ah, Kenma I never thought you'll come to this stage..I feel like a proud best friend..." Kuroo emotionally said while even wiping his fake tears.

"Oh! Kuroo-san! Kenma-san! What's going on?" Here comes the tall man walking towards them with his usual enthusiastic smile and glowing eyes. His energy is like Hinata's.


"Uh, Lev.."

Both of them groaned in unison, earning a sad look from Lev because of the attitude they gave him.

"Lev, don't give us a look like that..Kenma is just broken hearted you know.." Kuroo tried to sugar coat everything, with a terrible reasoning making Kenma almost cringe with the term he just used.

Lev immediately bought Kuroo's lies and sat down on the gym floor to listen to Kuroo and Kenma. "What happened, Kenma-san?"

"You don't need to know about it-" Kuroo immediately nudge his side, signalling him to atleast tell something so that Lev wouldn't feel left out again. He's just so emotional, good thing Yaku can handle him well.

Kenma let out a heavy breath. "Uh, I like someone but he doesn't like me back." said Kenma.

That's the only sentence he said but both Kuroo and Kenma can clearly see that Lev is about to burst in tears because of what Kenma shared to him.

"Kenma-san!!! How dare she reject you!!-"

"It's a he." Kuroo clarified, making Lev's eyes even sadder.

"Ehhh??? I would even go out with you Kenma-san! If you ask me." Lev said, creeping Kenma's whole system.

"I will never ask you, dream on." Kenma hissed.

Kuroo started laughing again. "Come on, Kenma don't be like that..."

Lev stared at Kuroo and Kenma. "Who is it? Kuroo-san? The one that Kenma-san likes!"

"Why? You curious?" Kuroo teased.

"Yes! I want to know who's the guy who made Kenma-san divert his attention in video games!"

"He's from Karasuno, the one we met at the practice game which you couldn't attend because you sucks so bad." Kuroo says while even laughing which made Lev put a pouty face infront of them.

"Unfair!! But it's fine! I'm still going to meet him this upcoming Training Camp!" Lev tried to motivate himself.

Kuroo poked his inside cheeks with his tongue to prevent himself from laughing again. "You want to meet him?"

That chibi might look like a kid next to Lev.. Kuroo concluded.

"Yeah! Can I see a picture?" Lev asked, with his eyes bursting in sparkles.

Kenma immediately shook his head. "Nope, you're not going to see him. Now go and practice more." Kenma said.

Lev just ignored Kenma and faced Kuroo. "Kuroo-san..." He said in plea.

Kuroo smirked and immediately tossed his phone out from his pocket and went to instagram to search Hinata's account and without hesitation he immediately showed it to Lev, who is so eager to see who Kenma likes.

Lev's face became even more brighter as soon as he saw Hinata's pictures. While Kenma kept glaring at Kuroo, because of what he just did.

"I'm not going to set for you when you practice with Bokuto again." Kenma said angrily which made Kuroo's smile disappear.

"Eh?! Kenma?? You toss for me everytime I practice with Bokuto and Akaashi, every training camp! You shouldn't ditch us like this!!" Kuroo whined.

"You should've thought about that before you let Lev see Shouyo's picture." Kenma said and ignored Kuroo immediately and looked at Lev who's still checking out Hinata's account.

"Oh wow..." Lev suddenly said.

"Kuroo-san, I would put Kenma-san and Hinata-kun in the same boat!" Lev said with his eyes still sparkling as usual.

Kenma looked at Lev, confused. He didn't get what Lev just said.

Kuroo sighed and leaned close to Kenma to whisper. "He meant, he would ship you two together."

But Kenma just ignored Kuroo and Lev, causing Kuroo to exaggeratedly put his palm over his chest and act as if he's hurt because Kenma just ignored him.

Kuroo looked at Lev and immediately stood up.

"Lev! Let's go! I'm going to punish you! You made my best friend mad at me!" Kuroo said and walked over to the court.

Lev looked even more sadder. "Sorry, Kenma-san.." He apologized.

When the two of them finally disappeared in Kenma's sight. Kenma breathed out peacefully and thanked the gods for keeping those two noisy people away from him. They are so noisy.

The only noise he can tolerate is from Hinata, he himself knows that.

Kenma's phone suddenly vibrated and he immediately opened it and looked at the screen and saw Hinata's message.

From: Shouyo
Subject: Training Camp
WE'RE GOING!!!!!!!!!!! SEE YOU SOON!!!! KENMA!!!!!! ٩(๑'ȏ'๑)۶ , °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°

A small smile escaped Kenma's lips.

I guess training camps isn't so bad.


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