◐ fourteen, dispatch ◑

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« June 10, 2016 ¦ Friday »

[ no one ]

Nothing happened much for the past month. To be exact, it's been 32 days since they all hang out with each other. It was May 8th and a lot of things happened that day. For example, Nayeon's parents allowed her on training, the 5 boys got in Big Hit Ent. And they made 2 new friends.

May 9th was the start of their training. In addition to that, they got their team name which is BTS.

Ever since they started their training, they hardly even had time to go to school. They mostly get to go to school once or twice a week because of their busyness. Also, when they go to school they get well, surrounded a lot so they often come with their managers.

May 15th was the date the girls were waiting for. They went to the JYP building and yes, they got accepted, all 9 of them. Instead of directly training like the boys, JYP decided they would start next month.

He figured that the girls should enjoy school, or at least enjoy their not-that-busy life because once they become idols, they can rarely enjoy this college life of theirs.

Since the girls go to different schools, they agreed on staying in one school once they make their debut.

They all settled on the date of July 7th in the end.

Going back to the present time, BTS is currently preparing for their debut with the title song, Blood, Sweat, and Tears this June 13th. They are busy in their practice room, perfecting any mistakes in the choreography, and getting more vocal lessons just to make sure they don't mess up in real-time.

The girls on the other hand are at school, of course worrying about the boy's health but at the same time, excited for their debut.

"The boy's debut is in 2 days! Can't y'all believe it? It was just like tomorrow since they told us they're gonna train" Nayeon shared as she took a bite of her leftover sandwich from lunch.

They're walking home after a tiring day at school, lots of activities to do, and mostly, P.E which they all hated.

"Exactly. I can't believe they'll be performing in front of all their fans!" Tzuyu said

"Think about it, they already had fans here at school just from their looks. But now, they have fans from different parts of the world!" Jihyo said

"Not just their looks, but their vocals, dance, and personalities!" Mina said

"But now since they have a lot of fans, they might steal them away from me" Nayeon joked

"Well yeah, but you have to trust Yoongi, unnie," Mina said

"But wait, won't it be a disaster if people find out 2 of them are dating? Not to mention, once we become idols, it'll also be hard for us" Jihyo said

"Let's not think about that yet, okay?" Mina said as they nod

"Should we go visit the boys and bring food there?" Nayeon suggested

"Sure!" they all agreed as they go to the convenience store to buy some food.

As they finished buying food, they rode on a bus to Big Hit Ent.

- big hit entertainment -

"Hey!" The girls greet as they arrive at the practice room the boys are practicing in. The boys quickly stopped the music and gave them a wide smile

"What made you guys go here?" Namjoon asked

"Well we bought food" Jihyo said

"And ourselves!" Nayeon said as she ran to Yoongi and gave him a big hug

"Hey hey, get off me I'm covered in sweat!" Yoongi tried to remove Nayeon's grip from him

"I don't care! I miss you so much!"

"Well, that's an eyesore to watch" Tzuyu jokingly rolled her eyes

"You're like this since you don't have a boyfriend," Mina said as she gave Jimin a peck on the lips

"Well enough of lovey-dovey-ness, the food is gonna get cold so, y'all should eat up" Jihyo said as the boy's eyes sparkled

"Wow, we can't thank you guys enough! We've been starving for hours" Taehyung said as he accepts the food Sana was handing out.

"Your debut is in a few days. You guys nervous?" Mina asked

"Nervous? Heck yeah," Jimin said. I bit muffled since his mouth was filled with food.

"So tomorrow, you guys will go to Music Bank for rehearsal, right?" Tzuyu asked

"Yeah. I need to get a good night sleep" Jungkook replied

"After you guys eat, we should go home and rest since tomorrow will be busy for you guys," Nayeon said

"I agree, but we still have to stay here. We have to practice more" Jin replied

"Can't y'all stop practicing? You've been practicing 24/7!" Sana exclaimed

"Would love to but-"

"Hey, boys- oh and girls, Bang PD-nim told me that you guys can go home now. Your managers will drive you guys tomorrow and, you'll have to wake up early in the morning. I'll be sending details on our group chat so, just stay notified" He said as he left

"Yes!" The boys cheered

"Now, let's go home shall we?"

- 11:04 pm -



BTS_Army : it's probably their friends! Please don't ruin BTS image when it's just days before their debut!

bts.ew : it's probably the chicks they're playing with instead of practicing. They shouldn't debut.

EX.ARMY : I would've supported them if they didn't have any girlfriends. BTS bye bye

ILOVEBTS : Dispatch be ruining people's image. Can't they make BTS an exception? Also the 5 girls, they'll be in trouble. I swear, dispatch makes everything worse.

BTSISLIFE : Real fans will stay while fake fans will go. This is where people will show their true selves. Like, come on, they're humans too!

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