◐ ten, parents permission ◑

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[ yoongi ]

As we walked away from the girls, I decided to ask them a question that I forgot to ask earlier

"Hey, about that agency that recruited us yesterday" I started and they looked at me

"My parents allowed me," Namjoon said

"Mine too"

"So, we're all going?" I asked and the others nod

"That's so nice!"

"We'll have to go to the company tomorrow then," I said

"Yeah, also, what do we do there?" Jungkook asked

"I don't know. I think they'll ask us to sing, dance, anything related to being an idol, right?"


"Okay, let's see each other at the convenience store, 9 am," Namjoon said and we all nod

"Okay then, it's settled. I guess we'll be seeing each other tomorrow" Jimin said

"Yep, I should go now. I'm really hungry" I said and waved them goodbye before entering our house

[ nayeon ]

"Hey mom" I confronted. The both of us are currently eating our dinner. Jaebum Oppa said he'd be going home late so we decided to eat first


"So, someone approached me and my friends awhile ago"


"Well," I reached for the business card in my pocket and slowly slide it in front of her

She took the card and read it "They were basically offering people who seems like they have the potential on well, being a kpop idol" I looked at her as she placed the card down and smiled at me

"You know, I know very well that you'd want to join this" My mom started and I nervously looked at her

"But I'd have to say no" She continued as my face suddenly dropped

"But, why?"

"Your dad worked hard just to get you in that school. It would be a waste if you join that, you know"

"Let's say you got accepted, sure you're doing what you want but, how about the effort your dad made?"

"C-can't you at least talk about it with dad first?" I asked as a tear fell out

"I can, I will. But, whatever your dad's final decision is, you'll have to follow, okay?" I nod as she wiped the tear with her thumb

"Let's eat peacefully, shall we?" She asked and I nod.

As we finished eating, my mom volunteered on washing the dishes and so, I agreed. I went upstairs to my room, took a shower, put on more comfortable clothes, and plopped on my bed as I open my phone


Did you guys ask your parents?

Jihyo the train


I haven't yet, wait

They said yes too. How about
you Nayeon unnie?

Well, my mom said no but she'll
ask my dad first. Whatever his
decision is, I'll have to follow :|

Jihyo the train
I hope your dad would agree!

But how about the audition tomorrow?

I guess I'll sneak out. Or maybe you guys
can go to my house and ask for me

I'm sure my mom will let me

Sure! Just to get you out of the house

Yeah. I'm pretty sure you'll get accepted
anyway. Don't know if I will :/

Jihyo the train
Hey, don't be discouraged! I'm sure all of
us would get in!

Ok, I'm back and they said yesss

Yayy! Okay, so you guys will fetch me
from my house tomorrow at 9 am

Goodnight too!

Call. Nightt

Okkk. See ya!

Jihyo the train
Deal. Sleep well guys~

Sure. Goodnight!

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a parents biggest dream for their child is to grow up
and be able to steadily stand in their own feet

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