◐ six, act of likeness ◑

218 10 1

« April 27, 2016 ¦ Wednesday »

* ring ring *

I groaned at the sudden call.

'Ugh, my head hurts so bad!'

I touched my forehead and it was boiling hot

I got my phone from the side table, answered the call and put it on my ears

"Yah Nayeon Unnie where are you! You said yesterday that we'd meet up in the convenience store to go to school together!" Jihyo shouted from the phone which made me pull my phone away from my ears.

'My head already hurts I don't want my ears to be affected too'

I look at my phone. 21 missed calls, 34 unread messages, and, oh sht. IT'S 7:45 AND CLASS STARTS IN 15 MINUTES

Oh well, I guess I have to skip school for today, till I get better

"You guys can go to school without me, I might skip half of the day cause I'm boiling," I said. I know they could sense the weakness in my voice

"Is that so? Well then, get lots of rest, sleep for now and we'll tell the teacher that you'll be absent for the day" Sana said. The sweetness in her voice would make every boy fall for her

"I'm sorry you guys. Go to school quickly but carefully!" I said

"Yes, Nayeon Unnie" They all answered and ended the phone call.

I placed my phone back to the side table and closed my eyes

* knock knock *

"Nayeonie, aren't you going to school?" Jennie Unnie entered and I gave a light shook with a smile

"My head hurts," I said and she gasped. Typical caring Jennie Unnie went straight running towards me and touched my forehead

"You're burning!"

"I know. Once I sleep and wake up I'll probably be better. Don't worry about me. I'm not hungry and I know I'll get better" I assured her

"Ok, Nayeonie. Make sure to call me when you need something, okay" She said and I nod.

She kissed me on the forehead before exiting my room. I closed my eyes and slept for real now.

- 12:09 pm -

I woke up by the sun's rays shining through my curtain. I touched my forehead and it wasn't boiling anymore and the pain I felt wasn't existing.

I looked at the time on my phone and it was 12:09 pm. I had 9 unread messages from Yoongi so I decided to open it


Hey, why are you absent today?

Are you ignoring me?

Or are you sick?

My friends told me you were sick.

Are you okay?

Will you still be going to school?

School's boring without your savage lines

I'll be seeing you tomorrow, I guess

Rest well :)

I smiled, Gosh he's so cute

'Wait, what am I thinking. Ughhh.'

I stood up and took a shower, wore a black crop top with some white jeans then put my stuff in my bag. Most of my stuff is already at my locker so I don't bring much stuff.

When I went down I saw Jennie unnie and Jaebum Oppa watching a movie

"Eo. Nayeon you're awake. You feeling better?" Jaebum Oppa asked and I nod

"Now that I feel better, I'll go to school," I said

"No no you're not going to school" Jaebum Oppa disagreed

"Let her be, Jaebum-ah. If she's that passionate about school, why would you stop her?" Jennie unnie defended and Jaebum Oppa sighed. A defeated one

"Thanks, Jennie unnie for taking my side but I need to go now. It's currently lunchtime so I'll just eat there" I smiled

"Okay, Take care," They said and I nod. I walked outside and took the bus

- at school -

I looked at my watch and it's currently 12:39. A guard stopped me by the gate so I showed my ID and told him why I'm late. He quickly let me in and I ran to the cafeteria and saw my friends eating

"What's up bishes!" I shouted and they looked at me

"Nayeon Unnie!" I ran to them and sat on a vacant chair

"I'm guessing your feeling better now," Tzuyu said and I nod

"I'll get my lunch, you guys wait for me-"

"I'll go get your lunch. Just sit there and let me do the work" Yoongi cut me off

"Omy- Yoongi I can do i-"

"Just sit down, you guys keep her company," He said to my friends and they nod. He walked away to order my food

"OoH what was that Nayeon Unnie" Sana teased

"Aish stop it! It's just an act of kindness"

"More like act of likene-"

"Stop it! I'll just go back home" I stood up but I got forced to sit down when someone put my shoulders down causing me to plop right back in my seat. I looked behind me and It was Yoongi, holding my lunch tray

"Here's your lunch," He said, placing it down in front of me and walked away

"Told ya its act of likeness," Jihyo said

"Let me eat peacefully for once please," I said and took a spoonful of soup into my mouth. Once I got familiar with the taste, It was Mushroom soup which is my favorite!

'Wait, How did he know my favorite kind of soup is Mushroom soup?'

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little gestures can mean
a lot to someone

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