◐ seven, 'what if I like you too?' ◑

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- a week and 3 days later -

« May 6, 2016 ¦ Friday »

[ mina ]

I arrived at school earlier than anyone did. It's currently 7:03. Usually, I would arrive at 7:45 with my friends but since I woke up early, I decided to go to school and well, maybe read in the library

As I entered the library, the cold breeze of the aircon hit my skin. I looked around and saw no one, not even the librarian. It was kinda dark since the lights weren't turned on yet but I still managed to see clearly

I walked into an aisle and looked for a book. After searching for a couple of minutes, I finally found one but it was on a higher shelf. I went on my tippy toes to try to reach it but it didn't work.

I saw someone's hand coming from behind me, getting the book that I want. I turned to the person behind me and it was Jimin. I blushed at how close we were.

If I can be honest, I've liked Jimin since last year, which was 3rd-year college. And now that we're currently at our 4th and last year, I thought I should confess before everything passes

"Is this the book you want?" He asked and I nod

"Th-thanks" I smiled

As he walked away I tried to call him, "Wait!" I ran up to him and he looked back

"You know, um, I know you'll get weirded out but," I paused


"I-I like you, Ji-" He cut me off by crashing his lips onto mine, put his hands onto my neck for support and I answered to his kiss. He started to walk forward so I began walking backward, not breaking the kiss.

My back hit a table which made me immediately put my hand on it for more support. He stopped the kiss and lift me to the table.

"What if I like you too?" He said and I blushed again

"Then that would be spectacular," I said and he crashed his lips into mine again

In the middle of our lil kissing session, the lights turned on which made me push Jimin a little bit.

I looked at the time and it was 7:30.

'sht did we really kiss for that long?'

"I-I need to go to the bathroom" I stuttered. Ugh I'm so embarrassed right now that I don't want to see him for a bit but don't get me wrong, I'm so happy to be with him

"Together?" He smirked and I felt my cheeks heat up for the nth time

"Anyways, Today is our 1st day, okay"

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nothing sounds better than having a
mutual feeling with someone that you like

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