◐ twenty seven, school trip ◑

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« January 15, 2017 ¦ Sunday »

- 5:00 am -

Today is the day after Golden Disk Awards that lasted for two days, January 13 and 14.

BTS woke up early today since they are having a college-only school trip which will last for 2 days and 1 night.

Even though they are preparing for a comeback, they made time for this because they'll be back to being busy bees.

What's fun is that their comebacks will overlap and there is a chance that they'd see each other during busy schedules.

Going back to today's event, they will be going to Jeju island. Meaning, they'll be going there by plane.

Their luggage is packed with clothes and essential needs. They were asked to bring about 3-4 pairs of clothes since we never know what could go wrong and a pajama. They were also asked to bring swimwear since they'll be going to a water park.

Anyways, BTS are on their way to their school since they'll be going to the airport by bus. All of them are asleep since yesterday was very tiring.

When they arrived, their managers woke them up and helped them unload their luggage from the trunk. A lot of students were already standing, waiting for their bus.

Since there were a lot of students in the college department, they were split into 4 groups.

Lucky enough, All the idols; BTS, Twice, and Gfriend were assigned to one place where it has a first-class section. As idols, this is very necessary.

BTS arrived first than the other groups. They were lined up behind the other students in group 1.

The other homeroom teachers told their students to respect and treat the idols just as if they're their classmates and not famous people. Thankfully enough, they understood. Though BTS, Twice, and Gfriend aren't that close to the other students, they'll try to get closer with each other.

It's now 5:45, Twice and Gfriend just arrived and lined up behind BTS. The bus also just arrived and the head teachers started to guide the students to the bus. They had a bus plan so each student had an indicated place to sit.

The bus ride was surprisingly very quiet. It seemed like everyone was still sleepy and this also applied to the 3 exhausted worldwide groups. So, they mostly slept on the way to the airport even though they knew they'd miss the view of sunrise from the window.

They arrived at the airport at 6:10. Thankfully, there was no traffic so they had no problems arriving late.

The head teachers started collecting each student's passports and did all the airport shenanigans. The doing of airport shenanigans for their group; group 1 ended at around 7:30 and since the boarding of the plane will start at 8, they entertained themselves by doing whatever they found interesting.

There were a few fans who took videos or pictures but they took it from afar which relieved not only them but also the teachers. Though they are aware that this will become an article sooner or later.

The boarding of the plane finally finished and they were all in the airplane now. Of course the 3 groups are in the first class

"Gosh, I wanted to talk about so many things to you guys but you can never trust the other students that much" Nayeon said, earning nods from almost all of them

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