39. Unconditional

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*a few hours later*

Even after sleeping, the school dance memories hadn't left Mario's mind. Mario realized that he had fallen asleep in the clothes he had worn to the dance.

What time is it? Mario thought, half-asleep. He turned on his phone, which stated that it was 4 a.m.

Mario glanced at the other bed in the room, where Luigi was sleeping peacefully. I bet he had lots of fun last night, the older twin thought glumly.

After sitting in bed for about five minutes, Mario decided to go for walk. However, he was unsure of how long he would be gone. So, he wrote a note for his brother.

Once Mario was finished writing, he went outside. He didn't bother changing into a different outfit.


When Luigi woke up, the first thing he noticed was that Mario was missing. Just a few seconds after noticing that, he realized that there was a note left on his bedside table. Luigi picked up the note and began to read Mario's semi-messy handwriting.


I just went for a walk. Don't worry about me. I'm not sure when I'll be back though, I just need some fresh air.

- Mario

Weird, Luigi thought. Mario wouldn't write a note for me, not while he's friends with the populars.

Meanwhile, Mario was exploring the outskirts of Toad Town and was walking past the shops that were only beginning to open for the day. Truthfully, he was nervous to return home. He would have to face Luigi.

Mario knew he had to apologize, whether Luigi would forgive him or not. He knew it was the right thing to do. Mario wanted to run away from everything, he didn't know what to do anymore.

Mario was on the wrong end, Luigi was right all along. It was ALWAYS like that. Why can't I do anything right? Mario thought, frustrated. Why is it so hard for me to make the right decisions?

A part of Mario didn't want to apologize to Luigi or admit his mistakes. Mario had a feeling Luigi would say, "I told you so", just like he had quite a lot of times in the past. 

But, not apologizing would make me a selfish coward and it would seem like I have too much pride, Mario thought. I can't afford to do something wrong yet again. Or do I even know what's wrong and what's not anymore?

After much thought, Mario's final decision to go back home and apologize to Luigi. Perhaps he would also apologize to the rest of the unpopulars. He had a feeling that he would still be a loner anyways, but the thing that mattered most was that all of the unpopulars deserved an apology from Mario.

I should go back home now, Mario thought.

Even though Mario knew his way home, he couldn't help but be a little lost in his mind.

*45 minutes later*

It was 8 a.m. when Mario returned home. He sat at the dining table across from Luigi, who was having breakfast.

"Good morning," the older of the two spoke. Luigi eyed his brother.

"Why are you wearing that?" he questioned.

"I fell asleep in it," Mario shrugged.

An awkward silence began. Mario served himself some bacon and scrambled eggs, feeling nervous in his stomach. But, he cleared his throat after a moment.

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