23| Fight

314 21 31

⚠️trigger warning

The mood was ruined. Most of us were tense. People who didn't really know things were still enjoying the time, but I'm pretty sure they noticed the tension.

Sebastian has been keeping a distance, we've also been keeping our guard up a lot. For some reason we can't help but think he's dangerous, especially Guzman.

"What the hell is he staring for?" I questioned when his eyes glued onto my girlfriend. "We all know why," Violetta sighed. "And I thought our relationship was fucked up before," Tini muttered as she took a sip of her drink.

"Well it was still worse than this," I shrugged. "True. This doesn't involve guns and gangs and stuff like that," Richard said. "But you chose that path though," Joel pointed out and Richard rolled his eyes playfully as we laughed.

"Look, this can still be a fun night. As long as we stay away from ese hijo de puta," Natalia pointed out and we all nodded. "Bueno, I'm starving," Karina pouted and I chuckled.

"Let's get some food then," I said as I intertwined our fingers and took her to the buffet.


Everything was still going smooth for the group of friends. Guzman was on his phone, somewhere near the entrance. Sebastian decided it was time to talk to his 'brother'.

"Hermano," he said as he stopped in front of him. Guzman looked up, his eyes showing clear hatred. "We need to talk," he said again.

"No. There's nothing to talk about. What I do need, is for you to get out of my sight," he spat, inching in on Sebastian. Karina was too busy eating with Christopher to notice this little meeting.

"We're still brothers Guzman," Sebastian said calmly. Guzman chuckled. "We're not. The only reason we were was because my dad took your mom in. We're not related by blood, true, but I don't want you near me or my sister, me oyes?" he spat.

"Why can't I be with someone I love? So you all get to have a happy ending but I don't?" Sebastian muttered.

"Not with my sister," Guzman said through gritted teeth and pushed past Sebastian, walking away.

"Y Laura? What happened to her? She killed herself didn't she?" Sebastian said, purposely getting on a sensitive subject to get Guzman's attention.

He stopped in his tracks at the mention of Laura. His past lover. High school sweetheart, his first love. They were about to get married, but her depression got in the way, taking her life.

"Don't you dare, say her name again," he muttered, turning on his heel. The only reason Karina knew, was because of Erick and Violetta; the only people who were close to the two men who were having an intense conversation, came and informed her.

Karina was now standing next to Guzman, their friends a few feet behind her.

"Or what? You're gonna hit me? Go ahead. Not the first time anyways," Sebastian said nonchalantly.

"She killed herself a day before your wedding. How sad. You didn't even do anything to stop her," he said again, challenging the man.

Guzman lost it. Before anyone processed anything, Sebastian was on the floor, Guzman on top of him, throwing punches left and right.

"Guzman!" Karina called out to her brother. By this time everyone was crowding around, not too close but not too far.

"You don't know shit!" he yelled as he kept punching the man. Christopher and Richard quickly ran to Guzman, pulling his off of Sebastian before he could cause more damage.

"Get him out of here!" Karina shouted, referring to Sebastian and the guards who finally decided to show up came and took him out of the ballroom.

"Breathe," Christopher said as he and Richard held onto a raging Guzman. The man freed himself from their grip, breathing hard.

The guests were dismissed, and now it was only their group left there. They were supposed to collect certain things of theirs.

Karina got a sudden phone call which she went to the pool, right outside the ballroom, to answer.

This was definitely gonna be a rather long night.

───── ❝ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐚𝐝𝐢 ❞ ─────

karina made a mistake.

that's it. that's the lil spoiler.

and sister guzman threw punches GO AWF

i don't think y'all are ready for the next chapter, and prepare yourselves coz this book has only a few chapters left

okay yeah bye keep voting <3

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