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It was a beautiful Sunday out in Miami. The sun was out but it wasn't too hot since the wind was blowing nicely. Karina woke up with lots of motivation and inspiration to design more looks and outfits.

She showered and did her usual everyday morning routine. She made herself a cup of hot coffee and some pancakes for breakfast.

She grabbed her sketchbook and a pencil, setting them on the kitchen counter next to her so she can sketch some designs while she ate her breakfast. She started sketching some designs for men's clothings, since she had only a few of them.

Just as she sketched a design while eating her pancakes, she heard a small ding coming from her laptop, indicating she had an unopened notification. She walked over to her living room and unplugged her laptop, setting it on the coffee table in front of her couch.

She went to wash out her plate and mug in the kitchen before grabbing her sketchbook and pencil, sitting on the couch. She opened her laptop, seeing the notification of an unread e-mail.

She opened the e-mail and saw it was from Walter Kolm's management team and she read it with a smile on her face.

"We've seen your designs and we honestly love them. We are currently looking for a designer/stylist for one of our artists, a boyband, CNCO. We're hoping that maybe you would consider the offer. If you can come over tomorrow to our office we can discuss this matter further and prepare your contract, you could also meet the boys if you come over," Karina stopped reading right there and jumped up.

She just got offered to be the stylist to a famous latin boyband and she was ecstatic. She read the e-mail to the end and typed in a quick reply, telling them that she'll be there tomorrow at the time they had set which was 10 am.

They had also told her to maybe bring along some sketches she designed for the boys so she picked out some of her never seen older designs that would probably fit the boys.

After going through a bunch of sketchings and the coffee table trashed with a bunch of papers, she finally found five men designs. She looked at them attentively, studying every little detail she put as she added slight touch ups after studying each of the five boys' styles.

After some touch ups and erasings, she finally felt satisfied with her sketches. She put them all in a sequence, writing down their names at the bottom of the papers. She kept them all in a small folder and kept them to the side.

She grabbed her phone and decided to follow the boys' group account and individuals. She had nothing to do for the rest of the day of she decided to give her best friend, Natalia, a call. It was still dialing and she quickly answered after three rings.

"Natalia!" Karina squealed. "What is wrong with you girl? Finally got yourself a boo?" Natalia asked her while chuckling. Karina rolled her eyes at the comment. "No but I did get a job," Karina explained.

"Wait what? Give me the deets!" Natalia squealed and Karina chuckled. "So I got an e-mail from Walter Kolm's management team. They're looking for a designer to design and style clothes for one of their clients. They've seen my work and they were impressed and felt like I would fit the job. So I'm going to their office tomorrow to discuss the contract and meet the boys," Karina explained.

"Hold up hold up. Boys? Who's the client?" Natalia asked from the other end of the line. "CNCO," Karina said with a small smirk and Natalia gasped. "You're kidding!" she yelled. "Nope! I'm gonna be working with CNCO!" the two best friends squealed. 

"If you don't introduce me one day- like at least just bring me to meet them for a bit; especially Zabdiel. You know I've been a fan for so long Rina!" Natalia squealed. "Maybe I could try, we'll see. But oh my gosh I'm so excited for tomorrow!" Karina squealed for what was probably the hundredth time throughout their phone call.

The two girls went on and on sharing their excitement. Soon enough Natalia had to go for her date with her boyfriend. Karina went up to her room and plugged her phone. She sighed of content, knowing her career would hopefully start to take off once she starts working for more famous people.

───── ❝ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐚𝐝𝐢 ❞ ─────

the way i said "fuck it" and posted this chapter

so, Dimelomami made her first appearance as Natalia, un aplauso! HIHI

okay so i hope u guys are liking this for now aight imma leave now bye

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