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'What was his reaction to the big news then?'
'I... I didn't tell him.'
'Perrie, you can't do that! He's gonna be so mad when he'll find out you've been knowing all this time.'
'When are you going to tell him?!'
'When he's gonna tell Jenny I'm pregnant too.'
'Oh wait, she doesn't know yet?'
'Nope. He's such a wuss.'
'Don't you want to punch him sometimes?' Jade shook her head thinking of how frustrated Perrie must have been.
'Pretty much everyday lately, not gonna lie. Then I remember he's got such a pretty face and I wouldn't want to ruin it because I like looking at it.' The girls laughed. 'But...'
'We did tell Sienna.'
'Oh my! How did she take it?'


'Si-si, can you come downstairs please?'
Sienna run down the stairs. Once she was almost at the bottom, she tripped over and fell from the last step. She stood up and walked over to her parents, crying.
'Great, we're off to a good start.'
Alex smiled picking up Sienna and sitting her on the sofa in between them. He whispered to Perrie. 'She's going to be really excited. Chill.'
'I hurt my knee daddy.'
'Let me have a look. It's all good, would you like a magic daddy kiss to make it better?'
'Yes, please.'
Alex rubbed Sienna's knee and left a kiss on it. He then looked at Perrie who picked up a box from behind the sofa.
'Si-si, mummy and daddy have got something really important to tell you.'
'Is that a present for me?'
'Yes. It's very special though. Open it, then we'll talk about it.'
The little girl opened the box excitedly to find a pink dress with a tulle skirt. She picked it up to have a good look at it.
'That's a pretty dress.'
Alex took it off her and showed her the sparkling writing at the front. 'Do you want to know what it says?'
Sienna nodded.
Sienna looked at her parents clueless.
Alex laughed, then Perrie continued. 'Si-si, you're gonna be a big sister. We're gonna have a baby!'
Sienna smiled and started jumping up and down. 'Yes! A real baby? Thank you, thank you, thank you.'
'Are you happy?'
'Really super happy. Is the baby in your tummy, mama?'
'Yes, the baby's in here.'
Sienna went to sit on Perrie's lap and started to talk to the bump. 'Hello baby. I'm your big sister and you're my little baby.'
Both Alex and Perrie felt emotional in seeing that scene. Alex went to hug them both.
'Can the baby hear me in there? How did he even get in there?'
'Let's not have this conversation again, shall we?'
'When did the baby get in there then?'
'In Disneyland, when we went to see Elsa and Anna, remember?'
'It's a magic baby then.'
'All babies are magic.'
'If it's a baby sister her name is Elsa.'
'Yeah, we'll see about that.'
'This is the best thing ever.'
'Better than a bunny rabbit?'
'Oh yes! When is the baby coming out?'
'In about six months. We still got to wait a little bit.'
'Oh, but I don't want to wait.'
'I know, but the baby needs to stay in my tummy until he or she grows up a little bit more.'
Sienna pouted. 'I want to see the baby now.'
'Daddy wants to see the baby too. Maybe mummy has a picture for us?'
'Ehm, mummy does have a picture but she left it in London, sorry. I thought I packed the scan pictures with me but I must have forgotten them. Baby brain. I'll bring them back with me next time.'

*Flashback ends*

'She's gonna be so good with the baby. She really is going to be the best big sister.'
'Let's all hope so! She's a bit unpredictable, you girls know her.'
'Are you getting excited about the baby now?'
'A little bit more, yes. It's hard to share the limelight though, if you know what I mean.'
'Yeah, of course. But just think that it's different between you and Alex. You two love each other and are a proper family.'
'But it's weird. Everything we'll do to get ready for the baby, he'll do it with another woman as well at the same time. Also... I'm starting to reconsider this whole Jenny situation. I don't know, maybe I do need to get over it.'
'What do you mean? What do you want to do?'
'I keep on thinking that his baby girl is gonna feel left out growing up and blame it on Alex when really it would be my fault. I would feel awful if that happened to my children.'
'You would have never put yourself in this position though, babe.'
'That baby didn't ask to come to this world like this. It's not her fault.'

-Alex would like to FaceTime-
-Hey babe.
-Hello gorgeous.
-Are you okay?
-Yeah, you?
-Tired, as usual, but all good. Where's Si-si?
-I'll go and pick her up in a bit. I needed to talk to you first. I've got news.
-Good ones?
-I've got some bad ones and one good ones. Which one do you want first?
-Ehm... I think I'll go for the good one.
-You'll be pleased to know I told Jenny about the pregnancy.
-Finally! Thank you. What did she have to say?
-Yeah, and that's where the bad news start...
-Oh no...
-Yes. She didn't take it well.
-As predicted. I'll take a guess: she said that I did it on purpose because I was jealous of the fact that you two were having a baby and that I'm hoping that my baby would drift your attention from hers. Something along that line anyway.
-Yep, spot on.
-I knew it! That nasty bitch.
-She also obviously told me that if she feels I'm not as present for Isabella as I'm going to be for our baby then she'll reconsider the whole situation.
-Talking about reconsidering things... Alex, babe, I've been thinking a lot about it the last couple of weeks. I know I'm probably going to regret this decision for the rest of my life... but I think that if you're really going to do this, you have do to it properly. We have to do it properly.
-Are you trying to say that you've changed your mind?
-Yes. I don't want to compromise your relationship with Isabella. I don't want her to feel left out because of me and I don't want her to grow up feeling like we don't want her or accept her.
-Oh babe, I know how hard this must be for you, but I'm so grateful for what you're doing, really. You're no doubt the best human being on the planet and hands down the best mother.
-I'll take that. That baby girl is lucky to have you as a father.
-She's lucky to have you as well. I've got to go get Sienna in a minute. So, I've done my part, now it's your turn.
-To do what?
-If I remember well the deal was that I had to tell Jenny about our baby for you to tell me what the doctor told you. I really don't know what it could be to be fair.
-Oh yeah, right. Ehm, maybe it's better if I tell you face to face.
-No c'mon, I want to know now. Please.
-Trust me, it's gonna be worth the wait.

[Hello everyone :) How are you all doing? x
New chapter, still no drama lol
It's a bit of a transit chapter but I thought I'd write something cute involving Alex, Perrie and Sienna :)
Don't worry though, the last few chapters will be packed with surprises haha
Let me know what you think :)
Thank you so much to every single one of you, I'm so grateful for all the love and support you always show me! xxx]

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