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3 missed calls from Alex
2 messages from Alex
<<Call me when you wake up>>
[picture] <<Care to explain?! What the fuck!>>

Perrie woke up slightly hangover. Although she wasn't drunk the night before, she wasn't really used to go out and partying anymore. She read Alex's texts still half asleep and had to look at the picture he sent her a couple of times before realising what it was.
'Shit. Jade, you need to wake up.'
Perrie shook Jade's arm until the girl opened her eyes.
'What? What's wrong?'
Perrie passed Jade her phone and showed her the picture. In that same moment, Leigh-Anne and Jesy entered the room.
'Pez we need to show you something!'
Jade gasped when she saw the picture on the screen.
'Too late girls. Looks like my husband saw it before us.'
'Oh no! What did he say?'
'Is he mad?'
'I haven't called him yet. He's gonna go mental. You girls know nothing happened, I swear!'
Perrie looked really worried whilst talking to her friends.
'Call him and explain it. It obviously is just a big misunderstanding. It'll be fine.'

-Incoming call from Perrie-
-Babe, calm down.
-Calm down?! This is ridiculous. First I get a text last night saying you were going out and then this morning a wake up to at least four different people sending me this picture of you and this random guy in a club and he's got his hands all over you!
-I tried to call you last night to tell you we were going out but you didn't pick up.
-You tried once. It's not like you tried that hard to be honest.
-It was one night! It was just us four, a couple of guys we worked with yesterday were at that club and they came to sit with us. That boy you saw in the picture, Jade liked him so the plan was to set them up but he came on to me and I just told him I wasn't interested. End of it.
-Yeah sure, no big deal. Of course you would be alright if pictures of a girl touching me all over came out.
-He had one hand on my leg, he was hardly touching me at all.
-So that's alright then?!
-No, of course it's not and I was gonna tell you because I've got nothing to hide. I told you nothing happened. I obviously didn't think people would take pictures of the only thirty seconds me and that boy talked.
-And where was my daughter whilst you were out?
-Oh my God! Why are you being like this? She was with Ellie, we went out when she was already asleep, she didn't even noticed I was gone.
-So let me get this straight: it was pointless for me to want to keep her here whilst you were on tour and leave her with my mum when I was at work, but it's sure fine for you to leave her with Ellie to go out clubbing?!
-It was one night Alex! I'm allowed one night off! It seems like you're just looking for an excuse to argue! I don't get it.
-Are you for real?! They're not excuses. It's a matter of fact. I don't wake up one random morning deciding to argue with my wife for no reason.
-I get you got mad for the picture, I do. But I explained to you that nothing happened and you got to believe me. I don't see why all the drama now.
-If you would just think before doing stuff maybe...
-Here we go again. The same conversation we've been having for the past six months. It's always me being selfish and not thinking and...
-You know what? Yes, it is. I'm tired of pretending this is not the problem, because it is. I know you're tired, I know you're stressed and you've got so much work to do and with Sienna it's not always easy but you decided to keep working. You decided to take our daughter with you all the time and you're the one refusing any help just to then tell us all how amazing you are to be able to do all this by yourself. It's like I do nothing for our family and I'm fed up with it. I work as hard as you do but it's always about you. You won't admit you're starting to struggle and I got the impression that lately you've been starting to use Sienna as an excuse for your mistakes.
-Oh wow...
-I'm sorry. I love you but I can't keep going on like this. We need to sort things out because this situation is unbearable for me. We've done nothing but fighting for the past few months.
-I really don't know what to say.
-I'm not expecting you to agree with me.
-In fact, I don't.
-I didn't want to have this conversation on the phone. Not while you're away. Not like this.
-It's not about how you said it, it's what you want to say, and your point is pretty clear.
-I don't want you to get upset. It doesn't mean that I don't want to be with you or anything like that.
-I'm not upset. I'm angry. I'm mad! It infuriates me that you think those things about me after all these years together. You and Sienna are my world and you should know that! Nothing's never good enough for you. I'm really trying but you're never happy! You keep asking me to make sacrifices but you don't want to compromise. Maybe we do need some time apart, for real though...

[Hi all :) as promised... let the drama begin lol seeing that this story is having a great response made me want to write a lot more over the past few days, so thank you to everyone who keeps voting and commenting, means a lot to me xx  Enjoy the chapter and let me know what you think ;) xx]

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