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'Thank God you're here!'
Perrie threw herself in Alex's arms when she saw him entering the hospital room.
'The nurse wasn't too impressed to see me at this time. "It's too late for visitors." As if I wasn't gonna see my daughter!' Alex hugged Perrie and kissed her on her forehead. 'How is she doing?'
'They're waking her up every couple of hours, just to make sure nothing's changed. The MRI came out clear so they said it's most definitely not a concussion.'
'Oh babe, I'm so glad to hear that. I was worried sick.'
Sienna had fallen over a couple of hours earlier when running around in the house with wet feet. She had hit her head on the hard floor and passed out so Perrie immediately took her to A&E whilst Alex drove to London from Manchester as soon as he heard.
'Me too. I would have never forgiven myself if something happened to her.'
The room was small, with just a bed where Sienna was sleeping and a armchair next to it. Alex sat down and invited Perrie to sit with him. Perrie joined him, sitting on his leg and cuddling up to his chest, both looking at their little girl.
'It wasn't your fault. Kids have accidents all the time.'
'I should've put the phone down and go after her.'
'Well, then it was my fault too because I insisted on staying on the phone.'
Perrie could feel her eyes closing whilst Alex played with her hair. 'You should get some rest.'
'I can't sleep. What if she wakes up...' Perrie was so tired and emotional that let out a few tears.
'Hey, hey. I'm here now. You don't have to do it all by yourself.'
Perrie yawned as she wiped her tears. 'You know, when they took her in for the MRI, I really wished you were there.'
'I wanted to be there too. I told you, I was worried sick.'
'That's not what I meant, Alex. I wanted you there. I needed you there. I love you Alex. I was just so scared... this whole thing made me realise that what we've been doing lately it's not fair. On us, on Sienna. I don't even care if you slept with that girl or not anymore. I want to put all this behind us and have a fresh start.'
'Are you finally coming back home then?'
'Yes. I mean, this is not the right time to talk about details, but I don't want to be away from you. Ever. Not anymore...'
'Oh baby, I can't even describe how I'm feeling right now. I know we'll still have a lot of work to do but I'm just so glad we're going to do it together.'


[Thursday evening.]
'She's asleep. Can we talk now?'
'No Alex. I'm still not ready.'
'Please. You barely even looked at me the whole night.'
'You're here to spend time with Sienna, not with me.'
'You said that maybe we could talk tonight.'
'I've changed my mind.'
'And how's that now?!'
Perrie turned to look at him. Her hands were shaking and a couple of tears rolled down her face.
'I can't look at you because I know that if I look into your eyes I'd get lost in them and I wouldn't be able to stay mad at you. And I want to be mad at you. I have to. I can't let you think that treating me the way you did is right.'
'I'll probably beat myself up about what I've done for the rest of my life Perrie. I know very well what I've done is awful but I regret it more than anything and I'd never forgive myself if I lose you.'
Perrie took a deep breath but didn't say a word.
Alex broke the silence. 'What are you thinking?'
'I don't want to lose you either. But what if it's too late... how do we get back to what we were before...'
'If you're talking about Jenny, I...'
'I'm talking about us, Alex. I don't even care about that girl right now.'
'It's not too late. It'll never be too late. I love you and that will never change.'
Alex felt heartbroken when Perrie didn't say she loved him back but refused to accept that that was the end. He walked closer to her, grabbed her waist and pulled over to kiss her. Although Perrie's mind was trying so hard to tell her to break that kiss, her heart and body wouldn't listen. That kiss quickly turned into something more as the both of them were now craving each other, ending up making love to each other there, on the sofa, over and over.

*Flashback ends*

'There is something I need to know, though. I know the other day I said I don't care about that girl, but I do. Is there something between the two of you?'
'She messaged me a couple of times  but I haven't seen her again, I swear.'
'Alex we can't think about moving back together if things are not completely over.'
'Perrie, things never started!'
'She's clearly interested in you and I can't put my mind at ease if I don't know she's completely out of the picture.'
'I will as soon as I get back home, promise.'

[The day after.]
'How's our little angel?'
'Cheeky girl, you had us all scared!'
Sienna had been discharged that morning and went back home with Perrie whilst Alex went back to work. Leigh-Anne, Jade and Jesy went to see their friend and her daughter in the afternoon.
'I'm all better now aunties, don't worry.'
'Good, we thought you were gonna be too poorly for ice cream!' Jade showed Sienna the tub of chocolate ice cream they brought over.
'Yes, chocolate! Thank you aunties.'
Perrie smiled whilst helping her daughter to sit on her chair at the table, ready to tuck in her treat.
'You're being spoiled today. Daddy already let you have some of his chocolate this morning, now ice cream from your aunties. Lucky girl.'
'Yeah, because I love chocolate and I was poorly mama.'
'Alright, little Miss attitude!'
'So, Si-si. Was daddy here this morning?' Leigh-Anne talked to Sienna but was looking at Perrie with a smirk on her face.
'Yes but daddy is back at work now.'
'And what did you do with daddy?' She continued.
'We had lots of cuddles in the sofa.'
'Did mummy have cuddles with daddy too?'
'Leigh! She's three years old, she doesn't need you to put weird thoughts in her head!' They all laughed before Sienna interrupted them.
'No, just me. He's my daddy! Only Sienna and daddy cuddle.'
'I don't think your mummy agrees.' Jesy winked at Perrie. 'Did you get any cuddles?'
'Maybe a little cuddle. Or two.'
'Any news then?'
Perrie looked at Sienna, reminding her friends of her presence in the room.
'Actually, yes. We talked a lot last night and long story short, we decided to give it another shot. We were both so sad and upset... we just want to be a family again.'
'So are you moving back together?'
Sienna, despite being young, immediately understood they were talking about going home.
'Yeah we're going home!'
'Ehm, not yet baby. But soon, promise. Why don't you go and wash your hands now that you finished your ice cream.' Perrie waited for Sienna to leave the room before continuing. 'Yeah we talked about moving back together. It's not gonna happen immediately, but it is going to happen.'
'And what about the new girl?'
'He promised me there's nothing between them. But he also said she keeps messaging him and they talked a couple of times. He knows he has to end things completely before we officially get back together.'
Jade sighed. 'I'm happy for you, don't get me wrong. But I don't know... I've got a weird vibe. Why is that girl not giving up already? She's bad news.'
Jesy agreed. 'Same. I've got a really bad feeling.'

[Good morning everyone :) Thank you so much once again for your support which is very much appreciated xxx You're gonna be happy after this chapter, or at least I hope so lol You lot have been amazing so I decided you needed a bit of 'happy Alerrie' back, although I can't guarantee it will last haha Let me know what you think :) Enjoy xxx]

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