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[Saturday afternoon.]
'Talk to me.'
'I haven't got much to say to be honest.'
'I don't believe you.'
'You wouldn't like what I'd have to say anyway.'
'Please, don't do this. I can't do this without you.'


When Alex saw the two girls coming back downstairs, he almost jumped off his chair.
Perrie looked annoyed but not mad, which was definitely a good sign. 'Nothing, I can't find it.'
Alex was relieved, although he knew that he would have had to face the truth at some point.
'What are you going to do then?' Perrie continued looking at Jenny.
'I'll do another test, I don't know. I don't have many more options.'
'You could always go to the doctors and ask for a blood test.'
'I'll... I'll sort something out and I'll let you know as soon as I know.' Jenny hesitated for a moment. 'I'm sorry, I swear. But I'm scared. I don't know what to do, where to start.'
'For a start, you could have not slept with a married man. That serves you right. The pair of you.'
'I don't blame you for hating me, Perrie, but I genuinely am lost. I don't want my friends to know, and I'm sure you guys don't want the word to spread either. Calling you was the only option.'
'I don't hate you. I hate what Alex's done, but you... I feel nothing at all for you, that's why I'm hoping you're wrong and this is all just a stupid mistake.'
Alex, who barely said a word all morning, felt the need to ask something when he saw Jenny collecting her things. 'What would happen, you know... if you were actually pregnant.'
'I'm not ready for a child, let alone do it all by myself.'
'So you wouldn't keep it?'
'There would be a lot of things to consider Alex... I don't think I can give you an answer right now.'
'Right... you're right, sorry.'
Perrie looked at Alex and in that one, quick look, she realised he was in agony.
Love the sinner, hate the sin.
Perrie decided to give him a break.
'I think you should go now Jenny. I'll give you my number. You'll keep us updated, won't you?'

*Flashback ends*

'What do you want me to say, Alex? I feel like an idiot for convincing myself you didn't sleep with that girl and now she might be pregnant with your child.'
'I know how you're feeling, but...'
'No you don't know how I'm feeling. How could you?! You put yourself in this situation, I got dragged into it. And the worst part is that I love you so much I can't just pull myself out of this.'
'You know I would never ask you to stay through all this if you didn't want to.'
'I would never leave you alone. I love you, Alex. I said it, I hate what you've done, but I love you. I just really can't take myself into thinking what would it be like if she's actually having a baby. Let's take it one step at the time.'
Alex felt like a mess. He never thought he would find himself in that position, ever in his life, but he also felt lucky to have Perrie by his side although he knew he was walking of eggshells and that he needed to do everything in his power not to lose her again.
'Mama, can we go out now?'
Sienna entered the room and Perrie never appreciated her daughter's timing more as she could feel tears coming but didn't want Alex to see her stressed about the situation. She really wanted to be strong for him and support him every step of the way but the last few hours had been the hardest of her life.
'It's a bit late now baby, sorry. We lost track of time.' Perrie sniffed.
Sienna crossed her arm throwing herself on the sofa. 'I didn't even have any lunch. And I want to go out. Can we go to the park on my bike?'
'I want doesn't get. Remember your manners.'
Perrie tried to buy some time, thinking of an excuse not to go. Alex, who knew her too well, understood she needed some time by herself.
'Daddy is gonna take you out Si-si. Go and put your shoes on.'
'And mummy!'
'Mummy is tired.' Alex whispered to Sienna. 'Maybe we can go to the shop and get mummy something nice.'
Sienna giggled whilst running to get ready.

Perrie felt relieved once they left, as she could finally take off that fake smile she had to wear all day. It was like Perrie's world crumbled down at the sound of the front door shutting behind Alex and Sienna.

-Incoming call from Perrie.-
-Hey babe, are you okay?
-Leigh, I'm sorry... I just need to talk to someone.
-Are you crying?! What happened? It's about that Jenny, isn't it? I swear I'll strangle the girl if...
-She thinks she might be pregnant.
-WHAT! Hang on, start from the beginning... I thought they didn't even sleep together!
-So did I... and so did Alex, apparently. She's gonna let us know in the next few days but I don't think I can do it, Leigh. I want to be there for him and be strong for him but I don't think I can.
-Calm down babe. You can choose to be there for him, but what you want and what you need are different things.  I can't believe he's putting you through all this. And I can't believe you still want to be with him! I'm sorry but he's out of order.
-I know I'm stupid for wanting to do this and they both don't deserve it, but you should have seen his eyes when she told us. He was petrified Leigh, I've never seen him so scared.
-He called this on himself.
-He kept saying to me that he's sorry and that he doesn't want to lose me.
-It's a bit late for that. Sorry babe, but you called the wrong person if you want someone to tell you you're doing the right thing by standing by him.
-That's exactly why I called you. I need someone to give me an honest opinion.
-I'm definitely the right person for the job then. Don't get me wrong, you're a fantastic person for wanting to help him after all he's done, but you can't compromise yours and your daughter's happiness for this girl and her child.
-Wouldn't that be selfish though?
-You're the least selfish person I know, trust me! That would be his problem, not yours. It would be up to him to conciliate everything.
-You're right. I just hope I'm worrying for nothing.

'Mama! Come and look at this!'
Perrie walked in the kitchen where Sienna was sitting on the counter next to a beautiful bunch of flowers.
'Wow, they're gorgeous baby. Did you chose them?' She kissed her daughter's head.
'Daddy did. I wanted the yellow flowers but daddy said you like the pink ones.'
Perrie smiled at Alex. 'Daddy is right. I do like these flowers. Thanks.'
'We also got Frozen cakes. Can we make them now please mama?! Why are you crying mummy? Are you tired still?'
'I'm not crying Si-si, I'm j...'
'Did you cry? Why?'
There were no secrets when Sienna was around.
Alex and Perrie looked at each other not really knowing what to say. Perrie picked up her daughter giving her a big cuddle.
'You're right, I was crying. Sometimes grown ups are sad too.'
'I don't like when you're sad because you're always smiley. Even when I'm naughty and I'm sad if you're sad. Did the bunny rabbits lady make you sad?'
'She didn't mean to make me sad, so it's okay.'
'I don't like that lady anymore.'
'Don't say that, it's not kind. Shall we make these cakes then?'
'Yes, yes, yes!'
'Maybe daddy can help us decorate them once they're done.'
Alex laughed softly. 'I'm flattered you included me in your culinary experience!'
Perrie quietly replied whilst putting Sienna down.
'We better make the most of it whilst it's still just the three of us.'

[Good evening everyone :) I wasn't sure I wanted to update today or tomorrow but in the end I couldn't wait haha soooo... still no answer about this pregnancy! I like to leave a bit of suspense lol
What do you think about Perrie wanting to support Alex? Will she actually stay with him in the end? Thank you for all the comments on the last chapter, much appreciated as usual!
Enjoy :) love to everyone xxx]

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