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<<Are you free tonight? I could really do with some company xxx>>
<<Be there in five xxx>>

'Stressful day?' Jade opened the bottle of wine and filled up two glasses.
'I wish it was just a day! More of a stressful life.' Perrie grabbed her glass and the two girls went to sit in the living room.
'Is it about Alex?'
'It's not even about Alex.'
'What happened?'


'I want daddy!' Sienna shouted as Perrie tried to put her back in her bed for the fourth time that night.
'I know Si-si, but daddy is not answering his phone. There's nothing I can do baby. You've got mummy here.'
'I want mummy and daddy!'
Perrie sat in her daughter's bed holding her tight to her chest as the little girl kept crying. She picked up her phone and dialled Alex's number again.
No answer.

*Flashback ends*

'It's so frustrating. He probably didn't pick up because it was late and he thought it was just me wanting to talk.'
'I'm sure he was genuinely busy.' Jade didn't sound very convinced.
'Jade, we haven't talked since I told him I wanted to stay in London. He sent Sienna back with his mum yesterday, that says it all.' Perrie was starting to ask herself if she really was asking him too much. 'I don't know, I feel like I'm failing Sienna. She's really upset about this whole thing. What if I pushed it too far this time? What if things don't get better? The situation is actually getting worse. She's gonna grow up with a broken family and it's all gonna be my fault!'
'I'll stop you there.' Jade put her glass down and grabbed her friend's hand. 'She would never blame it on you. You were never angry at your parents for not being together growing up, so why would she? You both love her so much, that's all that matter. But I'm sure that would never happen to you and Alex anyway. You just love each other so much. All this nonsense will come to an end, I promise you.'

[The morning after.]

-Alex would like to FaceTime-
-Hi. Is everything alright?
-Yes, Sienna was just having a hard time falling asleep last night and wanted to talk to you.
-Sorry, I left my phone in my friend's car. When I saw the missed calls it was late so I figured it was pointless calling you at that point. Was she upset?
-Calm down, she was fine.
-I feel so bad now.
-You shouldn't. I guess you didn't have your watch on then.
-Ehm.. yes I did.
-So you knew I was calling you and decided to ignore me. Alex we don't need to do this, I'd rather you be honest with me.
-Perrie, I...it's too early to be having this conversation.
-I would have had this conversation on Monday when you were supposed to bring Sienna back to me but you didn't show up.
-I was working.
-And you didn't want to see me.
-I thought you said you needed space.
-I also said I wanted for us to see each other and work through it, but it seems like you've got a really bad case of selective hearing.
-It also seems like you completely block out everything I say to you because I don't think I ever agreed to this.
-Lets get this straight then, what are we gonna do?
-I want you to put an end to all this and come back home with Sienna.
-So you really think we could go back to normal like nothing ever happened at this point?!
-It doesn't matter what I think, obviously.
-Daddy! Daddy!
-Hey baby girl! How are you? Did you just wake up?
-Yes. I miss you. We called you last night.
-I know baby, I'm sorry. I left my phone in the car.
-Silly daddy! I was really sad.
-Why were you sad?
-Because I wanted mummy and daddy.
-I'm sure we can do something funny at the weekend when you and mummy come to Manchester.
-Can we go to the farm? Please, please, please!
-We'll see baby.
-She run downstairs.
-You are coming this weekend, right?
-I can stay Friday night but I'll have to go back on Saturday. We've got this thing and...
-Forget it.
-Alex I'm sorry! I'm really trying here.
-Sure. I'll take her out by myself I guess.
-We can still do something on Friday night, take her to the cinema maybe.
-I'm sure we'll manage by ourselves if you're busy.
-If you don't want me there, just say it.
-I didn't s...
-I gotta go. I can hear cereal packets opening in the kitchen, I better stop Sienna before she makes a mess. I'll make her call you after breakfast.

It was true, Sienna was attempting to make her own breakfast downstairs, but that wasn't the only reason Perrie put down the phone in such a rush. She was scared of Alex's answer. She was worried he was going to say that yes, he didn't want her there.

<<Told you I'd find your number anyway :P>>
<<Haha I have to give you credit for that! Did you get home alright last night?>>
<<Yes, actually I wanted to thank you for calling that taxi for me. I was pretty drunk, I don't remember much actually lol but I assumed it was you x>>
<<It was me, it's alright :)>>
<<Listen, I know you probably have a terrible opinion about me after last night lol but I really enjoyed talking to you :) so I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go get a coffee sometimes soon x>>

[Hello lovelies :) here we are again lol Sooooo...  looks like Alex is not as innocent as he wants Perrie to think! I wonder what is gonna happen next... stay tuned!
Thank you so much for all your lovely comments on the last chapter and your votes xxx]

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