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[Two months after.] Part 1.
'What does it say?!'
'Nothing yet, just wait.'
'I don't want to wait Leigh. I want to know, now!'
'Tough. Wait.'
'This is bad timing. What about the summer tour?'
'Tour would just be for a couple of months. You'd survive. If I can do it, so do you.'
'Yeah but... I don't know if I want to do it. In between touring, Sienna, Alex having another baby on the way... I told you, the timing is really bad.'
'You don't even know yet! Calm down.'
'What does it say now?'
'Still nothing, jeez. It's been like... what, 45 seconds?!'
'This is killing me.'
'Can you imagine though, how nice it would be to have bab...'
'Mama I need help.' Sienna run into the room, jumping on her mum's bed where Perrie and Leigh-Anne were talking. 'I want to draw a rainbow for my friend Daisy but I can't remember what colour comes after green. What's that?'
Leigh-Anne immediately hid something behind her back.
'It's blue, indigo and violet.'
'I don't know what imbigo is.'
'It's called indigo. Just use purple Si-si. Daisy will love it anyway.'
'What are you hiding Lee-lee?'
'Ehm, nothing.' Leigh-Anne quickly glanced behind her back and smiled from ear to ear when she looked back at Perrie, who didn't seem very thrilled.
'Oh shit.'
'Mama, you said a rude word.'
'Ops, sorry baby. Don't tell daddy.' Alex had always told Perrie off for saying swear swords in front of Sienna, who would repeat anything.
'But I'm not good at secrets.'
'Just try.'
Sienna crossed her arms and sighed. 'I'm just little, I can't remember all these secrets.'
Perrie laughed. 'Exactly, you're just little. How many secrets can you have?!'
'I've got a secret with daddy and now one with you.'
'What secret have you got with daddy?'
'It's a secret.'
'All of a sudden you're really good at keeping secrets!'
'When he was on the phone with the lady, daddy said not to tell mummy.'
Leigh-Anne looked at Perrie and whispered. 'Why does Alex talks to ladies on the phone in front of Sienna?'
'It must have been Jenny. He knows I don't want Sienna to know anyth...'
'Auntie Lee, is the baby in your tummy a boy or a girl?'
'I don't know yet Si-si. The baby is too small.'
'What do you mean? You have to be a boy or a girl.'
'True, but the baby is so so so small we can't see if it's a boy or a girl yet.'
'Mama, is daddy's friend's baby a boy or a girl?'
Leigh-Anne and Perrie now looked at each other very surprised. 'What friend?'
'The lady on the phone.'
'Si-si, was this part of the secret you weren't supposed to tell me?'
'Don't tell daddy because I promised daddy not to say it! I don't want to get in trouble.'
'Oh you won't, don't worry. But daddy definitely is...'

[Later that evening.]
'So, is it a boy or a girl?'
'Ehm, what?'
'Is it a boy or a girl?'
'Perrie, what...' Alex almost choked in his cup of tea.
'That's what Sienna asked me this morning. And I quote, if daddy's friend's baby is a boy or a girl.'
'I can explain...'
'We agreed Alex!'
'I didn't say anything...'
'And why are you telling my daughter to lie to me?'
'I didn't tell her to lie, I just asked her not to mention something because I knew you would have make a big deal out of it.'
'Because we agreed not to tell her about the baby!'
'And I didn't!'
'How did she know then?'
'I thought you said you didn't want to know anything about Jenny or the baby.'
'I don't, but I didn't even want Sienna to know about them and yet here we are!'
'Jenny called me a couple of days ago, she said she found out the sex and wanted to know if I wanted to know. Sienna overheard the conversation but I didn't tell her anything, I promise. She's just clever and understood we were talking about a baby.'
'Yeah, okay, but you still should have told me she heard you! She definitely knows Jenny's pregnant then.'
'She doesn't know anything else, it's all good. Relax.'
'So... did you want to know? The sex.'
'Yes. Are you gonna be mad if I tell you though?'
'It's a girl, isn't it?'
'Great.' Perrie stood off the sofa to walk out of the room.
'Oh Perrie, c'mon. You wanted to know.'
In that moment, Sienna walked in the kitchen, where her parents were, crying.
'Oh baby, what's the matter?'
'You are shouting because I told mummy our secret.' Alex picked her up and gave her a hug. 'Why did you tell daddy I told you our secret, mama?'
'It's not mummy's fault. It's my fault for telling you to lie. Lying and keeping secrets is not good. From now on, no more secrets.'
'I'm not in trouble then?'
'Of course not! Sorry Si-si, we didn't want to worry you.'
'Can I tell daddy our secret now then mama?'
Alex looked at Perrie with a raised eyebrow. 'Oh look. I'm not the only one who asks our three years old to keep secrets then! What's mummy's secret?'
'She said a rude word this morning.'
Alex laughed and Perrie was glad that was the only thing Sienna could remember. 'See, my secret wasn't as bad as yours, was it?!'
Sienna then continued. 'Auntie Lee was hiding something and then she said something to mummy and then mummy said a bad word.'
Alex laughed and shook his head. 'What are you talking about?' He looked at Perrie. 'What is she talking about?'
Perrie immediately became nervous. 'Si-si, can you go and choose a book to read for bedtime? Mummy and daddy need to talk.'
'No! You said no more secrets. I want to hear.'
'It's grown ups talk.'
Sienna clenched her arms around Alex's neck. 'No! I'm not going upstairs!'
Alex looked confused.
Perrie took a deep breath. 'Alex, what did you want for a really long time?'
'Ehm, I don't know?'
'Think. Something I kept saying no to.'
Alex started to think but couldn't come up with anything. 'There's only one thing I can think of and I'm pretty sure it can't be.' Alex smiled.
'You'd be surprised.'
Alex's expression kept changing. 'Hang on. I'm really confused right now.'
Sienna copied her dad's expression. 'Yeah, and me too.'

[Hi everyone :) How's everyone doing?
Sooooo... I've got a few things to say.
First of all, here's the new chapter! Alex is in for a nice surprise lol I'm sure you all can imagine what it is anyway haha
Second, as I think I said before, I always have a fair few chapters ready before I update. Well, I'm afraid this story is about to come to an end... I've got another 4-5 chapters ready, and I'm currently writing the grand finale! I'm a bit sad it's about to be over, but I'm already working on something new for you all, if you'll want to read it obviously lol ;)
Let me know what you think about the chapter and thank you so much once again for your support xxx Love to everyone :)]

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