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[Sunday.] Part 1.
'Si-si, I mean it. If you wee on the carpet one more time...'
Alex woke up to his wife shouting in the next room. He checked the time on his phone, then slowly got out of bed, throwing some pyjama trousers on.
He stood at his daughter's bedroom door, listening to the conversation.
'You already peed on the floor twice this morning, what's the matter with you?!'
'Doing wee-wees on the floor is naughty.'
'Exactly, so why did you do it?'
'I don't know. I just wanted to.' Sienna wasn't even looking at her mum whilst she was trying to clean the light pink carpet in the little girl's room.
Alex entered the room trying to hide a little smile.
'Oh no, what's happening here?'
Perrie moaned, whilst still kneeling down on the floor. 'Second accident of the day. She already called me a "poo-head" and broke one of her dolls.'
In the meanwhile, Sienna jumped in her father's arm, who was now frowning at her. 'Well, all these things are not very nice. Your poor mummy...'
He then put her down. 'Go downstairs and wait for me for breakfast, please.'
Perrie stood up as the girl run downstairs.
'Stop laughing.' She pointed her finger at Alex who couldn't hide his amusement anymore. She let out a little smile as he cuddled her. 'She's only been awake for an hour or so and I'm already wishing the day away.'
'Are you sure Sienna's behaviour is the only reason why you want the day to be over?'
Perrie replied quietly, still snuggled into Alex's chest. 'I'm really nervous about today. Sienna's not helping. I really want the day to go well.'
'Do you think we've got a chance to make her change her mind?'
'I don't know babe, I honestly don't know.' Perrie broke the hug and looked at Alex. 'She looked pretty certain of her decision yesterday. Alex, I need you to understand that this is her choice. We can try our best. I just don't want you to be disappointed if it doesn't work.'
'I know and I won't, promise. Thank for doing this for me though. And I mean it.'
'In good times and in bad...'
'Why don't you go and have a bath, do your nails or whatever you want to do this morning. I'll keep Si-si entertained.'

Perrie followed Alex's advice and spent a couple of hours pampering herself. She run a hot bath and did a face mask. She then got dressed and painted her nails and toes of a vibrant red before doing her makeup. She knew there was a lot of stake and although she had seen Jenny multiple times, she felt the need to impress her.
'You smell nice mama.'
'Thanks baby.' Perrie walked in the kitchen, put her hair up in a messy bun and started to take out pots and pans from the cupboards.
Sienna and Alex were drawing at the table.
'Mama, what are you cooking?'
'Sunday roast.'
'Can I just have the chicken?'
'No, you're gonna eat a bit of everything, like a good girl.'
'No vegetables.'
'Definitely yes vegetables!'
'But I'm a big girl, and I don't like vegetables. I tried it before.'
Alex intervened in the conversation. 'Stop arguing with your mama. We need you to be nice today.'
'First of all, you always need to be nice.' Sienna giggled. 'Second, mummy and daddy's friend is coming for dinner.'
'Who? Uncle Matty?'
'Ehm, no. It's Jenny, the lady that works with the bunny rabbits.'
'But she makes mummy sad.'
Perrie looked at Alex and mouthed "sorry" to him. They both hoped Sienna had forgotten about what had been said a few days earlier.
'She didn't mean to make mummy sad, we already told you that.'
'If I'm good, can I just eat the chicken then?'

[Later that afternoon.]
'It looks like a feast. You didn't have to go all the way out just for me.'
Perrie felt slightly offended: she did cook a full roast dinner every Sunday since Sienna was born.
'It's a family tradition, don't worry. Help yourself.'
Alex and Jenny made their own plates, whilst Perrie did Sienna's.
'No broccoli mama.'
'Just one bit of broccoli.'
'I just want chicken!'
Perrie didn't want to argue in front of their guest. 'Look. You've just got chicken, a potato and a bit of veg. If you eat it all you can have pudding.'
'What's for pudding?' Everyone laughed at the cheekiness of the young girl.
'Ice cream, your favourite.' Perrie winked at her.
'I just eat the carrots.'
'No, if you want pudding you have to finish everything.'
Sienna looked at Alex with a frown, hoping her dad would say something different from her mum.
'You heard your mama, now eat your dinner please.'
They all started to eat their roast.
The three grown ups were clearly quite uncomfortable and tried to engage in small talks to kill time.
'So Sienna, your mummy and daddy tell me you love animals.'
'Bunny rabbits are my favourite. Next week Kelly is bringing her real bunny at nursery and I'm so excited!'
'Kelly is Sienna's nursery teacher.' Perrie explained.
'Oh I see.' Jenny nodded. 'Do you like nursery?'
'Sometimes I do, but sometimes I cry because I want my mama.'
'I'm sure you have lots of friends there though.'
'Daisy and Tiana are my bestfriends. Can they come to our house to play mummy?'
'Are they the one's who taught you bad words?'
'No that's Arlo, my boyfriend?'
Alex gasped, then laughed. 'Boyfriend?! You can't have a boyfriend! Definitely not one who says bad words.'
Sienna moved stuff around her plate. 'I don't want broccoli.'
'Don't you try it again. Just eat it please.'
'Bunny rabbits don't like broccoli.'
'You're not a bunny, you're a little girl.' Perrie quickly tried to shut her down.
'Bunny rabbits do like broccoli, you know.' Jenny tried to help.
'It's not true. You're lying because mummy wants me to eat it.'
Perrie was embarrassed. 'Sienna! You don't call people liars! That's rude.'
'But you always tell me not to lie and broccoli taste like poo-poo.'
'Don't talk about poo at the table please. Sorry, poo is one of Sienna's favourite topics at the moment.' Alex explained.
'Bunny rabbits don't like broccoli. They eat carrots so it's a lie. You're saying it because you made mummy sad and now you want to make her happy. I don't like you anymore and you're not my friend.'
Jenny looked confused, Alex and Perrie were mortified. Perrie stood up and took Sienna away from the table.
'Right, that's enough young lady. You need some calm down time in your reflection corner.'
Jenny apologised to Alex. 'I'm sorry, I just wanted to help.'
'It's not your fault. We've been a bit stressed lately and it probably rubbed off on Sienna. If something, we are the ones who need to apologies.'
'What did she mean when she said I made Perrie sad?'
'She saw her crying when you left, the day you told us you thought you were pregnant. She's three years old, in her head her mum was crying because of something you had said or done. We tried to explain to her that it wasn't true, but it's tricky.'
'I'm so sorry Alex, if I knew I would have kept quiet.'
'As I said, not your fault.'
After a few seconds of awkward silence, Jenny continued. 'Alex, maybe it's time we talk.'

[Good morning everyone :) how's everyone doing? I'm having a busy weekend but I've decided to update this morning as I didn't want to wait for tonight lol
Sienna is saying to Jenny all the things we all would want to say to her haha
The next chapter is ready so I'll try to post it tomorrow morning at the latest ;)
Hope you enjoy it :) love to everyone xxx]

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