Chapter 16

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"Congratulations on the nomination Beca, your doing the label proud", Richard smiled as he shook the singer's hand.

"Thank you, sir", Beca politely smiled back at her boss, her other arm wrapped tightly around Chkoe's waist. "Excuse us, we need to refill our drinks", she nodded at the man before leading her girlfriend over to the bar area that sat to one side of the large function room in a hotel that the label had booked to celebrate New Years.

"This place is so fancy we definitely don't belong here", Chloe whispered as the two of them waited to order.

Beca smirked as she looked around the room at all the women and women dressed to impress in long gowns and tuxedos. "I don't think anything can beat how we spent New Years last year at Stacie and Aubrey's"

"I don't think I've ever seen Jesse and Fat Amy get so drunk as they did that night", Chloe shook her head laughing before smiling brightly at the bartender who placed a new drink in front of her.

"You missed seeing me and Jason trying to get the drunkies into a cab after midnight happened", the singer turned around now, her back leaning against the bar counter the whole room with a whiskey tumbler resting in her hand.

"I was too busy gushing over Aubrey's engagement ring", the topic of proposals made Chloe think back to a Christmas morning when she thought her moment was going to happen. Shaking her head, the redhead refused to let her own disappointment and impatience ruin her evening.

"Oh yeah, that happened too", Beca lifted her glass taking a big gulp to ease her nervousness.

"Hey, I've been looking for you", the brunette looked over to see Theo smiling and walking towards them both, holding his wife's hand. "We better go get you set up, you're performing in ten minutes and you know that Richard doesn't like things to run late"

"Alright", downing the rest of her drink, Beca turned to find her girlfriend already smiling at her. "Wish me luck?"

"You don't need it", Chloe leaned forward to place a quick kiss on her singer's lips, knowing exactly what Beca needed to hear before any sort of performance since their senior year of high school.

"I'll come find you after", Beca winked before following Theo throw the crowd of people, leaving Chloe and the music producer's wife to make small talk. "Woah, wait, wait", she pulled back on the man's arm to stop him in his tracks before pointing across the room, "Why the fuck is she here?"

Alicia was standing in a long, elegant gown like dress as she spoke, more like flirted, with a guy as she sipped from her champagne flute. "She still works for the company, Bec, everyone who works for the label is here tonight", Theo shrugged before pushing the singer through the crowd again to the side of the small stage that was set up for live performances.

"Look, just keep her away from Chloe", Beca grabbed a hold of her guitar, slipping it over her head to rest the strap across her neck. "I can handle it if she corners me and tries anything but Chlo-"

"Bec, Beca", Theo put his hands on her shoulders to stop her from talking. "Just get up there and sing a song so we can get drunk and get back to both of our women before some idiot thinks they can make a move"

"Yeah, okay", the brunette ran a hand through her hair as she stepped up onto the stage, immediately hearing the crowd start to applaud her as the lights shone down. Taking a deep breath, Beca looked out into the crowd, toward the bar where she had left her girlfriend. A smile instantly stretched across her face when she saw that brilliant white smile shining back at her. "This one is for you, princess", she winked, not missing the slight bite of the bottom lip that Chloe did before glancing to the floor and Beca knew that she was trying to hide the blush that was most probably creeping up her neck to her cheeks.

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