Chapter 10

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Beca had just finished another day in the studio after she had been called in to help Theo with producing a single for another artist at the label. After a few hours of playing around with different mixes and backing tracks they finally got a finished product that they were both happy with. "Thanks for that, Bec", Theo pushed the headphones off so they hung around his neck instead as he turned in his chair to face Beca.

"No problem", Beca pushed her phone in her jeans pockets, "Is Alicia still here? I need to ask her about something"

"Yeah, I think so", Theo smiled before turning back round to make sure everything was okay to do with the track.

"Alright, I'll be right back", the singer pushed a hand through her hair as she left the recording studio and made her way down the hallway towards her manager's office. Beca smiled politely to some of the other staff members that were also finishing their days, thankful that it was Friday tomorrow and they were all one day closer to the weekend. Just as the brunette reached Alicia's office and saw that the door was slightly ajar she stopped when she heard her name and peered through to see the blonde sitting against her desk, her back to Beca while speaking on the phone to someone.

"I'm telling you, Beca is going to be the client to make me the most money", she paused for a second, not realising that the subject of her phone conversation was now leaning against her door frame, listening to every word. "I'm in the middle of organising another tour for next Summer after she releases an album just before the Grammys"

"I thought she said that I was going to be able to take a break the rest of this year", Beca thought to herself but chose to stay quiet when Alicia started speaking again.

"Oh yeah and now that her stupid gold digging girlfriend is out of the picture it means I can schedule more appearances and time in the studio for her to write and produce hit songs"

"What the fuck did you just say?", the sound of Beca's voice made Alicia spin around, her phone dropping from her hand and her jaw dropping when she saw the singer moving to stand in front of her desk now. "Did you just call her a gold-digger?"

The quietness of Beca's voice scared the blonde even more, not knowing how to get herself out of this situation, Alicia decided to back up everything she said instead of apologising. "Come on Beca, it's so obvious that she only stayed with you after high-school because you got signed to the label", she crossed her arms now.

The brunette shook her head, leaning her hands against Alicia's desk so she was closer to the blonde. "You're fired", her words came out like venom from a snake and she clenched her jaw when the woman started to laugh.

"You can't fire me babe, you need me", Alicia smiled this time before leaning closer. "I can make you more money than anyone else in this industry", she placed a hand softly against Beca's cheek but flinched when the singer's hand went up to grab her wrist and push her away.

"I'll find someone else, you're done Alicia", Beca stormed away ignoring the calls and shouting coming back from the blonde as she exited out of the office. Not stopping as she made her way back to the recording room, she burst through the door and spotted Theo now packing his laptop into it's bag. "Let's go get a drink", she sighed and felt her breathing calming down a little when she watched him smile and shrug his shoulders.

"Sure, you alright?", he furrowed his eyebrows as he followed her out of the room, slapping a hand down to rest on her shoulder, bringing Beca back out of a daze.

"Beca! Beca, don't do this!", Alicia's voice could be heard down the hallway when they reached the elevator and both Theo and Beca looked over their shoulders to see the blonde walking quickly to try and catch them up.

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