Chapter 14

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"What time is it?", Chloe picked up her phone as she tugged on her shoes, noticing that she was running late for her study group at the college library. "Beca, baby, have you seen my backpack?"

"It's out here", the sound of her singer's voice calling back at her made Chloe leave the bedroom, instantly smiling at the sight in front of her. The brunette was holding onto Chloe's favourite thermos, filled with coffee, while she scrolled through her phone, leaning back against the counter next to where her backpack and house keys were sitting.

"What did I do to ever deserve someone like you?", Chloe smiled when Beca looked up at her now, stepping forward to wrap her arms around her girlfriend's neck.

"I ask myself that same question every day about you", the singer winked before leaning forward to kiss Chloe. "I made you a coffee and put some food in your bag to eat while your at the library", Beca placed the thermos down so that she could hold Chloe properly now around the waist.

"Thank you", Chloe leaned forward to kiss her girlfriend again, smiling against her lips when the brunette deepened the kiss. "I'm already...", she mumbled in between kisses, "late to meet with", Beca moved her mouth down to place kisses across her neck, "the girls"

"Are you sure you can't just cancel on them?", Beca smirked when she felt the effect that she was having on the redhead as she pulled away now.

"I wish I could", Chloe closed her eyes and missed the way that Beca smiled while watching her, "But I really need to get this group essay down and then I'm all yours"

"I like the sound of that"

"Hmm, I bet you do", Chloe winked this time and watched the brunette smirk as she stepped back to grab her keys, bag and coffee. "What time are we going out?"

"We're meeting Theo and his family at the ballpark for six and the game starts just after seven", Beca bit down on her lower lip as she checked Chloe out, while the redhead swung her bag over her shoulder and pushed her phone and keys into her pockets.

"I will be back around half five", Chloe stepped over to kiss Beca again.

"Alright, see you then, princess", Beca winked and watched Chloe walk away before taking her phone back out to look over her emails that she had been ignoring the past month.


"I hate this", Michelle threw her hands into the air as the rest of the girls laughed. "Who ever came up with the idea of group essays has a lot to answer for", she sighed and looked back down at her laptop, ignoring her friends who couldn't stop teasing her.

"If we could get marked on how good we are at drinking games then I'm sure you would be top of the class", Hannah winked over at the taller girl sitting opposite her, laughing again when she saw her roll her eyes.

"No doubt about it, unless Chloe brings Beca cause then I have no chance", Michelle looked up at Chloe now whose attention switched from the working document on her laptop screen.

"How is everything with Beca since you've got back together?", Jenny smiled at the redhead as the girls decided to take a small break from working to gossip.

"Things are...", Chloe took a second to think over the past couple of months, "Things couldn't be better if we tried", she smiled around at her group of close friends. "It's just like it was when we was first together but in New York and living together with jobs rather than being in high school and sneaking behind my Dad's back because he didn't approve of Beca back then"

"Is your Dad feeling better?", Hannah sipped from her water bottle, watching Chloe nod her head.

"We're going home for Thanksgiving and Christmas in a few weeks so I'll be able to see him then but he's had check ups and things at the hospital and thank god he isn't working anymore", the redhead sighed contentedly, reaching forward for her thermos cup.

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