Chapter 11

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A few hours more of waiting and Beca had Chloe's head resting on her shoulder while she scrolled through her phone, reading emails and flicking over to her social media to look at messages from fans. The redhead had been asleep for around half an hour, exhausting herself out from the emotions that she had gone through in a matter of hours beforehand. Liz Beale had turned up just as Chloe was starting to feel exhausted and knowing that her Mom was now in New York safely with them to wait, it eased the college student's worries, allowing her to sleep against Beca's body that she had curled into.

"Scott Beale's family?", a doctor stepped through a set of double doors, dressed down in blue scrubs, and spoke softly knowing how late at night it now was.

Beca gulped nervously, not wanting to fidget too much in her seat in case she woke up Chloe, as she watched Liz get up and walk over to meet him. The singer sighed, closing her eyes and stretching her neck to look up at the ceiling when the older redhead followed the doctor through the double doors and into a consult room. "Come on Mom, don't take him yet", she mumbled quietly enough that no one heard her.

"Beca", the sound of Liz Beale's voice snapped Beca back into the waiting room as she looked back to see the older woman standing in front of her now with her arms wrapped around herself. "Do you think we could wake her up?", her eyes flicked down to her daughter as she whispered and watched Chloe peacefully sleep.

"I don't want to wake her up Mrs B, if it's going to be bad news", Beca cleared her throat as she moved a hand up to softly brush a piece of hair that had fallen across Chloe's face.

"Wake her up, sweetie", Liz winked and shot her the first smile that Beca felt like she had seen since stepping foot in the hospital nearly five hours.

Beca smiled more this time, before looking down at the redhead she was in love with, moving her arm to wrap around her as she whispered, "Chlo, princess", she watched her girl's eyes start to flutter awake.

"What's going? Is he alright?", as if she had suddenly remembered where and why she was with Beca, the singer smirked a little at the way Chloe gripped tightly to her flannel shirt.

"Breathe, Chloe, come on", Beca moved her hand up to rest against Chloe's cheeks to help her focus, "Your Mom has some news for you", she nodded her head in Liz's direction, watching Chloe then stand up to see her Mom.

"Mom?", Chloe noticed the tear stains that sat across her Mom's cheeks, taking a hold of her hands as she braced herself for what might come out of her mouth next.

"They performed the surgery successfully, he's gonna be fine, honey", Liz started to laugh as more tears fell from her eyes, noticing Beca standing up next to Chloe now and placing her hand on her daughter's back, "They've said that we can go and see him if you want?"

"I'll catch up with you", Chloe wiped the tears from under her eyes and didn't miss the sly wink that her Mom then sent to Beca before walking away. The younger redhead then cleared her throat as she turned to face the singer that had pushed her hands into the pockets of her jeans. "Thank you again"

"You don't need to thank me for doing my job", Beca smiled softly, taking a deep breath as she suddenly felt nervous. "I'll give you and your Mom some private time with him"

"Y-Yeah, uhm.. Okay", Chloe glanced down at her hands, fidgeting against each other before bravely speaking again. "What I said about you coming back home, Beca I-"

"It's okay", Beca waved a hand and shrugged her shoulders casually, "If you want to take it back, it's fine", she smirked, "We can blame it on the emotions and stuff"

"I don't want to take it back", Chloe reached forward and pulled Beca's hand into hers, intertwining their fingers. "Would you like to come over tomorrow, like we said, and we can talk?"

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