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       𝐵𝐸𝐿𝐿𝐴 𝐴𝑁𝐷 𝐼 were sitting in the boutique chairs waiting for Jessica to show us her fifth dress of the evening. I was reading a book- Emma, and she was studying her Mapquest.

"Okay, I think this halter makes my boobs look big. What do you think?" I look up and see her in a floor length fuchsia gown, with an impressive amount of cleavage. Outside a group of rowdy men passed us. Yelling obscenities towards our group. It made us extremely uncomfortable. "God they're like dogs.. Anyways- opinions girls?"

"It looks great." Bella was still focused on the map when Jess turned to me.

"Yes, it looks great."

"You guys said that about the last five dresses."

"Well, I meant it- you look absolutely stunnin' in all of them."

"Awh..thanks Rose." Angela shot Bella a sympathetic look.

"You aren't very into this are you?" Bella gave me a 'get ready to leave' look and turned back to Jess and Ang.

"Not really, but we have an order waiting for us at this bookstore and we really need to get going before they close. We can meet you at the restaurant later, it won't take us long."

"Oh, you sure?"

Bella gave a nod to the girls before grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door with her. I shot Jess a thumbs up and she gave me a big grin. I discovered she actually isn't that bad once you talk to her. She is just really insecure- which who am I to judge her for? I don't see us becoming great friends but I'd be there for her If she needed me.

"Hurry up Rose, you walk like a grandma." I rolled my eyes at her and sped up my pace down the street. It was getting dark and I personally was not a fan of the dark. I love that I'm more scared of streets at night than I am of the Cullens. Really says something.

"Okay, so where is this place?"

"It's right through that alley." I shot her a glare.

"Do you want to die?"

"I walk it all the time it's fine. It's like 20 ft" I gave her another glare and walked behind her, still latched on her arm. We reached a building with the name Thunderbird and Whale. She led me inside the empty shop and went up to the man behind the counter. He was older with long hair and a hard face, but he had kind eyes. I've always believed you can tell most things about a person through their eyes.

"Okay, you ready?" Bella came up to me with a large book in hand.

"So, you gonna tell me what it is?" She shoved it in her bag and opened the door.

"More about the Quileute legends- just hoped it might have some answers." My mind thought back to Jasper as we re-entered the creepy-ass alley Bells was so 'fond' of. Her feet stuck to the ground and two figures came into view, the men from earlier. The were now obviously wasted. I felt my own feet glue to the concrete. My breathing hitched and I could barely hear what they were saying to taunt us. This was a fucking horrible idea. My grip on Bella tightened. I couldn't have her go through this too. I knew this- I knew the aftermath. I could take it.

"Bella, when I say run. You fucking run- you run until you are safe and can find help." She shot me a horrified look and I cupped her face, my hands and voice wavering as I tried to stay strong. "I've been here I- You can't go through this okay? I won't let you." I held her behind me and shot a deadly glare to the two men approaching us.

"Hey! We saw you at the dress shop." He hiccuped at us. I saw two more men staring to close in on the other side of the alley. This was it- this was her change. I gave her an elbow and she started sprinting as fast as she could. The men reached to grab her.

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