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REVISED: 11/25

WC: 1,478

       𝐵𝐸𝐿𝐿𝐴 𝐴𝑁𝐷 𝐼  had just walked into our biology class, both nervous as hell. I'm sure that it was evident on our faces. We handed Mr. Molina our slips after he introduced himself. "Okay..Bella Swan..you can sit next to Mr. Cullen." He motioned to the pale boy and she stumbled over to him plopping into her seat leaving me alone in the eyes of the class. "Ms. Mulligan, you can have a seat next to Mr. Hale in the back. Jasper, please raise your hand". The blonde boy I had drooled over earlier silently raised his hand, not bothering to lift his gaze from the table. I mumbled a thank you to Mr. Molina and started to carefully walk to the back on the class.

       "Oh, fuck me.." I felt the nerves that were previously rising begin to dissipate and I managed to make it to my seat and get settled before Mr. Molina began to enthusiastically drone on about flatworms. With my anxiety levels coming to a plateau I worked up the courage to introduce myself to the boy sat beside me. "Hi, I'm Rosemary Mulligan. It's nice to meet you." His muscles tensed before he turned to face me. He looked as if he was trying to find the proper words to say. 

"Jasper Hale, the pleasure is all mine." The words slurred out in a decadent drawl and I found myself nearly squirming in my seat. His lips lifted into a smirk and I had to cross my legs to avoid falling over. 

"Oh, you- you're not from around here either?" I made an attempt to sound confident but the words came out less gracefully than I had hoped.

"Texas, originally- Houston." His eyes darted down for a second showing a hint of a remorseful emotion before he brought his gaze back to meet mine, his face showing an unreadable expression. 

"Ah, a Southern man. It's nice to see that I'm not all alone up here. I came up from Georgia." A quiet chuckle escaped his lips and he offered me a ghost of a grin. 

"The climate here is much different than what you and I are used to, but I'm glad to find that someone appreciates my charms."

"Oh my..cocky much?" He laughed, his golden eyes twinkling in the fluorescents. 

"Very much." 

     Our bickering continued for the remainder of the class and I found myself getting on well with the southern man. From what I could tell he was guarded and seemed to be constantly tense in contrast to his polite nature. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I had enjoyed his company.   Jessica had painted quite the rotten picture of his family and him; how they kept to themselves and were rather 'clique-ish'. My short encounter shatter that opinion. Jasper was kind and I was looking forward to getting to know him better. 

       As we parted ways he flashed another charming smirk in my direction before going to chase after his brother. Bella grabbed my arm and dragged me out into the hallway. "Bells, what the hell is the matter?"

"Do I smell bad or something?"

"No. Now what is this about?"

       "That Edward guy, he was acting really weird in Bio today. He was basically treating me like a leper.", she mumbled. 

       "I don't know whats goin' on with him, but it most definitely has nothin' to do with you. You are perfectly fine." I gave her shoulders a comforting squeeze before her attention went to the front office. We caught the back end of a heated conversation between Edward and the office assistant.

"...every class is full, I'm afraid you will just have to stay in Biology."

       "I guess I'll just have to endure it." Edward turned towards is with distain evident in his ebony eyes. His glare was so intense that if looks could kill I'm sure the both of us would be six feet under. I don't know why he holds such hatred for Bella. He is the one Cullen I have found truly intolerable. He made him way out of the office, pushing Bella into me on his way out. 

𝑅𝑂𝑆𝐸𝑀𝐴𝑅𝑌  |  jasper hale [1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang